佐藤 (佐久間) りか 和田 恵美子
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.3, pp.89-100, 2008

The DIPEx webpage created by researchers at Oxford University contains over 1,500 narratives of users of health services in the UK, which are presented in the form of text, audio and video files. Although the webpage gives only fragments of the original narratives given during the interview, it has become a quite powerful and highly-evaluated information tool for patients’ decision-making. Authors argue that segmented patient narratives can be useful in assisting patients to cope with the uncertainty in medicine and health care. Authors also report on the development of the Japanese version of DIPEx modules on breast cancer and prostate cancer.


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「患者の語りデータベース」を活用した医療コミュニケ ーションの試み https://t.co/KfX0aiBb57。
「患者の語りデータベース」を活用した医療コミュニケ ーションの試みhttp://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/32377/1/3_089-100.pdf

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