長島 美織
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.9, pp.45-60, 2009-09-01

The central topic of this paper concerns the possibility of a different kind of scientific knowledge which, on the basis of Mannheim's certain vocabulary, is termed in this paper as "voluntaristic science". I have specifically demonstrated that voluntaristic science is an approach which is applied in the areas where knowledge and real action cannot be separated. Mannheim described this domain as, "the areas where there is a room for activity which is beyond the scope of rational behavior". When we focus on changing and differing perspectives on knowledge in these areas, three elements, social group, situation, and action, are extracted as crucial factors from Mannheim's analysis. Although voluntaristic science is conceptually opposed to intellectualistic science -- an approach which is mainly employed in natural sciences to capture quantitative and formal aspects of phenomenon, I have argued that both kinds of knowledge should be employed complementarily to give a better understanding and firmer grounds for those who make political or humanistic "decisions" in the world without a unique worldview.


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マンハイムは、何年か前に「イデオロギーとユートピア」をよんだのだったが、当時は毎度お馴染み主知主義(合理)vs主意主義(非合理)のアンチノミー、一歩離れた知識人という図式かあ、と浅薄な理解をして、やや鼻白んでいたのだが、自分のテーマからすれば第二論文「政治学は科学として成り立ちうるか」を先に読んどくべきだった、と反省。こんなことばっかり、情けなや。そして同じく「科学としての政治学」を論じた丸山はこ ...

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@contractio https://t.co/tJfAqaGW4s マンハイムにみる主知主義的科学とゲマインシャフト的科学 長島美織 著

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