寺沢 重法
藤女子大学人間生活学部紀要 (ISSN:21874689)
vol.52, pp.13-28, 2015-03-31

Objective: To examine whether respondents majoring in natural science (rikei) in higher education(under graduate and graduate university) are non-religious. Methods: Data from the 2008 ]apanese General Social Surveys (JGSS・2008) is analyzed. Dependent variables are 1) religious affiliation,2) devotion,a nd 3) confidence in religious organizations. Independent variable is whether respondents majoring in natural science (rikei) or human-social science (bunkei) in higher education. After cross-tabulation analyses,mu ltinominallogit analyses and ordered logit analyses are conducted with the net effects of various socio-demographic and educational variables. Results: Respondents majoring in natural science are not significant1y less religious than those who majored in human-social science in higher education, even though controlling various control variables. Conclusions: The widely accepted idea that those who majored in natural science in higher education are non-religious is partially rejected.


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『本稿の問いは「理系出身者は文系出身者に比べて非宗教的であるというのは本当なのだろうか?」であり、…問いに対する本稿の答えは「理系出身者が非宗教的であるというわけではなく、逆に文系出身者が宗教的であるというわけでもない。…』https://t.co/nZeNy53cbP https://t.co/2k2Dt6UsP4
本日の暇つぶしに読んだ論文で面白かったもの 「理系は非宗教的か?」 https://t.co/7UGRYYtTeA 「死が照らし出す生の意義と時間の形而上学 : 不死を妄想主題とするコタール症候群が示すもの」 https://t.co/C0C5Ga4EZy

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