山田 邦雅
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.24, pp.167-172, 2017-03

The Japanese situation of institutional research (IR) in the university is different from that of the United States because a campus-wide database system has not been constructed. Therefore Japanese IRers expend substantial manpower on efforts to collect data from each faculty member and consolidate them. For IR to demonstrate its true value by utilizing data, I think support of IRer is necessary. The most inefficient work of the Japanese IRer is the basic tasks that should be performed by a computer. Therefore I, a beginner in programming, developed an application that checks for incomplete IR data for IRers. When I checked the IR data of the last year with this application, I found that the values of 4.3% of the cells were incomplete and our IRer understood them. I also checked whether this application was user-friendly by using Fogg’s consumption model.


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“IR データチェックアプリの開発によるIR 担当者の支援 : HUSCAP” https://t.co/3im7i9mycs #高等教育 #IR #大学職員

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