高林 真衣 藤井 基貴 TAKABAYASHI Mai FUJII Motoki
中部教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13465287)
vol.19, pp.39-54, 2019-06-30

Recently, the issue of teachers' mental health has become a very serious problem in Japan. This problem is known as 'teacher's burnout' and is thought to be caused by stress. However, it is thought that the resilience of teachers can prevent the effect of stress on teachers' mental health. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of 'teachers' burnout', stress, and resilience on teachers' mental health through a questionnaire-style survey of elementary and junior high school teachers in City A. It is important to note that in this analysis, the results differ depending on age, sex, and school level. So, it is important to focus on the teacher's attributes.


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中部教育学会紀要に掲載された論文がオープンアクセスとなりました。高林真衣・藤井基貴(2019)「教師の働き方とレジリエンスに関する考察 : 静岡県A市における質問紙調査の分析から」 https://t.co/qq39GCikbv

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