吉田 琢哉 YOSHIDA Takuya
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.54, pp.69-79, 2007-12-28

There has been a number of research on emotion regulation, especially on anger regulation. However, the monitoring aspects of emotion regulation and response styles of anger regulation have been separately explored. Existing scales have taped various monitoring aspects, which would be extracted to four kinds of monitoring: monitoring skill of one's own emotion, monitoring orientation of one’s emotion, monitoring of others’emotion, and situation monitoring. Based on these perspectives, the present research examined the role of each monitoring aspect on use of anger regulation tactics in two different interpersonal relationships: non-intimate target with higher status and intimate target with equal status. In preliminary study, emotion regulation monitoring scale was established to cover four aspects of monitoring. Factor analysis confirmed four-factor structure and construct validity was also confirmed in relation to self consciousness, others consciousness, and self esteem. Then the relationship between these four aspects of monitoring and four types of anger regulation tactics: emotional anger expression, anger expression with target concern, suppression, and reappraisal. As predicted, results showed that situation monitoring suppressed use of emotional anger expression in both agent conditions. Toward non-intimate target with higher status, situation monitoring promoted use of reappraisal, which also supported hypothesis. Toward intimate target with equal status, however, situation monitoring had no effect on use of anger expression with target concern. As to other monitoring factors, skill of monitoring one’s emotion suppressed use of reappraisal toward non-intimate target with higher status. Neither orientation of monitoring one’s emotion and monitoring others’emotion showed any effect on anger regulation tactics. As no effect was found on anger expression with target concern, the role of interpersonal skill was discussed in relation to social information model.


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感情のモニタリングについて。 「・・・まず一方的な表出とは 相手の立場に配慮しない攻撃的な表出であることから, 適切な処理方略とは言えない。・・・従って状況のモニタリングを行うならば,こうした不適切な方 略は抑制されると考えられる。」 https://t.co/jB7FwnYWtC

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