藤江 里衣子
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.56, pp.29-38, 2009

There is such experience as feeling incompetent in spite of one's outstanding accomplishments. Clance and Imes focused on this experience, and proposed a new concept "impostor phenomenon". In this study, researches on the impostor phenomenon were overviewed from the viewpoint of characteristics of the phenomenon, the trends of research before the proposal on it, its background, the relevant variables, and the measurement scales. As a result, it was revealed that there was ambiguity in the definition of the impostor phenomenon, in the significance of proposing this concept, and in the reality of it. In the future research, it is necessary to define the impostor phenomenon and to reveal the reality of it. Moreover, on the assumption that the impostor phenomenon as a state, its generation mechanism model was showed.
緒川 和代 OGAWA Kazuyo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.61, pp.123-136, 2014-12-26 (Released:2015-03-04)

This paper reviews 50 case studies of dissociative disorders in Japanese children and examines the feature from the standpoints of “age of initial diagnosis”, “gender”, “diagnosis”, “family background”, “life episode”, “symptoms”, “type of therapist”, “therapy style, technique and theory used”, “length of treatment”, and “convalescence”. Results clarified that, before reaching the age of 15, few children of dissociative disorders seek medical consultation despite showing signs of illness. Also it is possible that “an abusive growing environment”, “parents with hands-off policy or over-protective child-rearing attitude”, “a good boy/girl personality”, and “traumatic episodes such as being bullied or sexually abused” are some of the indicators used in identifying child dissociative disorders. The paper concludes that dissociative disorders among Japanese children should be identified earlier in life by assessing his/her growing environment, parents’ child-rearing attitude, personalities, and traumatic episodes, and professional personnel should refer these children to appropriate medical treatment as soon as possible.
小塩 真司
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.47, pp.103-116, 2000-12

佐藤 暁子 金井 篤子 SATO Akiko KANAI Atsuko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
no.64, pp.111-117, 2017-12-28

In recent years, studies on resilience have been increasing at home and abroad. One of the reasons of this increase is that resilience has attracted a lot of expectations because it is believed to enhance social adaptation. However, in the studies on resiliency so far, we have had no sole fixed definition for this concept of. In these studies, the term "resilience" was used in different ways, and the methods and the objects of these studies were different as well. Therefore, we have had a lot of confusion over this concept. In addition, the differences between the concept of resilience and the psychological stress model are not clear, either. In this paper, we will review how the resilience concept developed in studies of abroad. Also, we will cover the existing issues while providing the overview of the current status of resiliency studies in Japan.
四辻 伸吾 YOTSUTSUJI Shingo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.64, pp.99-109, 2017-12-28

News of bullying-related suicides being reported almost on a daily basis and it is a major problem in the field of education. Different bullying prevention programs have been developed and conducted in educational settings for preventing bullying. Programs including Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP; Olweus, 2007) and KiVa program, among others have been used internationally and have reported good results. These programs are currently being comprehensively utilized. On the other hand, development and conduct of bullying prevention programs in Japan are often left to individual schools, and nationwide systematic programs have not been developed to date. Moreover, in many cases, effects of bullying prevention programs have not been empirically verified. This study analyzed Japanese bullying prevention programs used in educational settings, from the following perspectives: (1) statistical verification of program efficacy, and (2) confirmation of consistency with curriculum guidelines. “confirmation of consistency with curriculum guidelines” means that the practice contents of the practiced bullying prevention program accorded with an aim and the contents such as each subject shown in curriculum guidelines. First, we searched the Internet for the keywords “bullying,” and “programs” in the Japanese literature, and identified 33 articles, which were reviewed. Among the 33 papers, statistical verification of program efficacy was conducted in 15 studies, all of which indicated that the programs were effective. Moreover, 19 papers described subjects and fields in which the programs were practiced. Among the 19 papers, only four described the consistency between practice and contents of subjects and fields. Previous studies might be insufficient in both statistical verification of program efficacy and examining the consistency between programs and learning contents. Therefore, further studies on this topic are required. Future perspectives of Japanese bullying prevention programs are discussed based on these results from following perspective. (1) Developing a program of annual curriculums composed of small plural learning units having statistically established efficacy for bullying prevention. (2) Developing a program that is specifically placed in curriculum guidelines, especially in “moral education,” “integrated studies,” and “special activities,” lessons, which are often used in bullying prevention programs. It is expected that programs for bullying prevention for wide use in Japanese educational settings could be developed based on these perspectives.
青木 直子 AOKI Naoko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.52, pp.123-133, 2005-12-27

This article reviews studies on the concept ”praise”. Many studies have been conducted on praise in the field of psychology. These studies addressed the function of praise, its effect on motivation and emotion, its use in counseling and in the local community, guides to better praise, and the caution that must be exercised with regard to praise. Most of these studies have focused on the effect of praise and have been conducted from the perspective of the teachers and parents who praise children. However, there are few studies on children’s cognition of praise. Praise is communication; therefore, it needs to be researched from the viewpoint of both adults who praise children and children who are praised. This article highlights the need fro research from the viewpoint of children, particularly young, who are praised.
速水 敏彦 Hayamizu Toshihiko 木野 和代 Kino Kazuyo 高木 邦子 Takagi Kuniko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.51, pp.1-8, 2004-12-27

A new construct "Assumed-Competence based on undervaluing others (AC is short for the construct)" was proposed to explain adolescents' behaviors in these days. AC was defined as the habitual feeling of competence that would be followed by one's criticizing or undervaluing others regardless of how much he/she had directly positive or negative experiences. To measure the individual differences of AC, the assumed-competence scale (ACS is short for the scale) consisting of 11 items was constructed. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct validity of ACS by showing the relations with several psychological constructs which have logical associations with AC. In the meanwhile, self-esteem (SE is short for it) mean true competence based on really positive and negative experiences. That is, SE could be clearly discriminated from AC. Thus, to make clear discriminating validity of ACS, SE was measured as well as AC when the relations with other psychologicl constructs were investigated. Seven psychological constructs we used here as criteria of validity were (1)locus of control, (2)public and private self-awareness, (3)loneliness, (4)sympathy, (5)emotion of anger. (6)pleasure and displeasure experiences (during lately three months) and (7)life satisfaction. Participants were 124 junior college students, 258 university students and 11 graduate students. Correlation coefficients between AC,SE and seven psychological constructs were calculated. The results were interpreted by focusing only significant correlations. Concerning self, although SE was related positively to internal control, AC was not, whereas positive relation between ACS and private self-awareness was shown. Next, regarding with interpersonal relationship, AS had positive relations to loneliness, that is, the persons whose AS are high thought that human could not understand each other and they were strongly aware of individuality. Also negative correlation was presented between AC and sympathy. In the meantime, SE had no relation to the variables of interpersonal relationships. In tern, emotion as a criterion of validity was examined. AC was related positively with trait-anger, expression of anger and displeasure experiences in academic and friendship situations. Furthermore, AC had negative relation to life satisfaction. On the contrary, SE was correlated positively with pleasure experiences and life satisfaction. Based on the results mentioned above, we judged ACS to have construct validity to some extent. Finally we suggested the possibility of classification of AC in the relation with SE.
天谷 祐子
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.52, pp.9-19, 2005

岩井 志保 IWAI Shiho
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.54, pp.135-142, 2007-12-28

The purpose of this article was to overview researches of therapists in Japan. In this study, researches of therapists was surveyed from 3 points of view — (1) characteristics of therapists and therapists’ factors of treatment effects, (2) education and training for therapists, (3) professional growth of therapists. As a result, it was showed that there were not a lot of researches of therapists in Japan. In (1) field, the researches mostly reexamined ones in other countries. In (2) field, master therapists or educators discussed education and training for therapists, but there were a few researches to show training effects. In (3) field, therapists’ developing models in the USA were introduced, but the developing model of Japanese therapists was not proposed as yet. Finally, this study mentioned the tasks to overcome the existing problems and to development researches of clinical psychologists in Japan.
二村 郁美 FUTAMURA Ikumi
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.61, pp.165-172, 2014

This study examined about the consequences and expectation of consequences in several kinds of everyday prosocial behavior. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 graduate students (6 men, 11 women). The interviews were about emotion, cognition, and behavior experienced in the following three real life scenes: giving a seat to elderly people on a train (train scene), reporting a lost belongings (lost belonging scene), and making a donation for charity (donation scene). The main findings were as follows: (1) prosocial behavior was more likely to be performed in lost belonging scene, train scene, and donation scene respectively. (2) In train scene, it was ambiguous whether performing prosocial behavior was helpful for the recipient, and negative emotion was experienced in both situations: the behavior had not been performed and when it had been performed but it had not been accepted. (3) In lost belonging scene, negative emotion was not likely to occur, and it was expected that performing the behavior would be helpful basically. (4) In donation scene, negative emotion was likely to occur, donors were not likely to be evaluated as positive, and non-donors were not likely to be evaluated as negative. From these findings, when performing prosocial behavior, there are several ambiguities about the consequences: ambiguity of recipient's need, ambiguity of the recipient's utilization of help, and ambiguity of evaluation to benefactor. It was suggested that those ambiguities were significant inhibition factor of prosocial behavior.
青木 直子
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.52, pp.123-133, 2005
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青木 直子 AOKI Naoko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.52, pp.123-133, 2005-12-27 (Released:2008-02-21)

天谷 祐子 AMAYA Yuko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.50, pp.29-47, 2003-12-25 (Released:2006-01-05)

The purpose of this study was to overview and analyze ego-experience based on children's questions about themselves. Such questions as "Why am IT ?," "Why do I exist?," "Where did I come from?," and "Why was I born at this particular time rather than at a different point in time?," along with the feeling that one's appearance is strange, all were determined to reflect egoexperiences. In the first part of the study, the various "I"s were discussed grammatically, philosophically, psychologically and developmentally. Then previous studies of ego-experience were reviewed. As a result, a new aspect of " I" was suggested, and ego-experience was defined from this new aspect. Ego-experience, then, refers to questions about " I" that are independent of a person's physical and psychological identity. The three aspects of ego-experience were found to be as follows: "questions about one's existence," "questions about one's origin or situation," and "a sense of incongruity with oneself". Finally, we considered a method for examining ego-experience and the meanings of ego-experience.
下木戸 隆司
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.50, pp.213-241, 2003-12-25

坪田 祐基 石井 秀宗 野口 裕之 TSUBOTA Yuki ISHII Hidetoki NOGUCHI Hiroyuki
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.63, pp.47-56, 2016

Perfectionism is the striving for flawlessness, and extreme perfectionists are people who want to be perfect in all aspects of their lives. It is known that perfectionism is related to a number of psychological and physiological problems, such as apathy, neurosis, alcoholism and anorexia nervosa. A number of studies have investigated the relationship between perfectionism and maladaptation. Recent studies have suggested that perfectionists have certain cognitive biases, including selective attention to failure, which is particularly problematic. The few previous investigations of this problem based on the social cognitive paradigm had the shortcomings that the used task was limited to the emotional Stroop task, and used stimulus words were only negative perfectionism-related words (failure-related words). In order to overcome these problems, relationships between perfectionism and selective attentions to success- or failure-related words were investigated with the dot-probe task. The result indicated moderate correlations between perfectionism and selective attention to both success- and failure- related words in males, whereas little correlation was found in females. However, success- and failurerelated words used in that study were associated with the task situation (e.g., "correct", "achieving," "mistake," and "error"), which are familiar to male, but not to female perfectionists. Therefore, it is still unclear if the above result was caused by the fact that female perfectionists did not pay attention to successes and failures, or that the words used were not familiar to females. In order to resolve this issue, this study employed the dot-probe task and words related to social situations and investigated relationships between perfectionism and selective attentions. Undergraduates (N = 100, 50 female and 50 male) were asked to perform the dot-probe task and complete self-report questionnaires. In the dotprobe task, participants first focused on a central fixation cross that was shown on a computer screen. It was replaced by two stimuli after 500ms, which were displayed one above the other. For example, the screen displayed a word related to success in social situations and a neutral word. These words disappeared after 500 ms, and a symbol appeared on the screen replacing one or the other word. Participants should respond to the shape of this symbol as fast as possible. If a participant had tendency to pay more attention to such words related to social situations, reaction time to the words would be shorter when the symbol replaced a word related to social situations compared to when it replaced a neutral word. Three kinds of stimuli were used. The first group was words related to successful social situations such as "compromise" and "closeness". The second group was words related to failures in social situations such as "isolation" and "friction". The third group was neutral words such as "pencil" and "weather. Self-reporting questionnaires were also administered: Self-Oriented Perfectionism (SOP) items in the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS), the Multidimensional Self-oriented Perfectionism Scale (MSPS), and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Cognition Inventory (MPCI). Ratio of reaction time in neutral condition (neutral words vs. neutral words) to that in conditions including social situations related words (e.g., social situation failure- vs. neutral words) was computed as an index of selective attention. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients between this index and perfectionism scale scores showed almost no significant correlations in both males and females. These results suggest that perfectionists do not pay attention to success- or failure words in social situations. Sex differences in relationships between perfectionism and maladaptation in social situations would be caused by other factors such as behavior and consciousness.