神塚 淑子 KAMITSUKA Yoshiko
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 哲学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.60, pp.57-83, 2014-03-31

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty (the mid-7th century), the disputes between Taoism and Buddhism has been actively carried out. At that time, as against Buddhist scripture “Wenshi jing (温 室経)”, Taoist scripture “Xiyu jing (洗浴経)” was created by Taoist Li Rong (李栄). In Chapter 1, I examine the contents of “Wenshi jing” and the custom of xiseng (洗僧) in the Tang Dynasty which was based on the teachings of the scripture. In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the contents of Dunhuang manuscript “Taishang lingbao xiyu shenxin jing (太上霊宝洗浴身心経)”, which is estimated “Xiyu jing (洗浴経)”, are examined and I make it clear that they stand on the Taoist thought of the Six Dynasties and Sui Dynasty. In Chapter 4, I consider Taoist scripture “Taishang xuandu miaoben qingjing shenxin jing (太上玄都妙本清静身心経)”, which includes similar contents as “Taishang lingbao xiyu shenxin jing (太上霊宝洗浴身心経)”.


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