寺田 寅彦
東京帝国大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.13, no.4, pp.801-805, 1935-12-20

Two cases of minor eruption of Mt. Asama are described. . A sample of ash collected on the occasion of the eruption on Aug. 4, 1935, consists of compact nuclei of rock fragment, a few tenth of mm in diameter, which is covered with a spongy mantle of aggregated fine ash particles. Possible causes of the origin of such a structure are suggested. As for the eruption of Aug. 17, 1935, an abnormal distribution of the intensity of audible sound within a narrow range of 10 km from the crater is described.


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寺田寅彦の「小爆発二件」(「正当にこわがることはなかなかむつかしい」の名文句のアレ)での体験について、寺田が論文書いてて、それが東大のリポジトリ見つけて大興奮 http://t.co/pQoeQjg6nf 喜んだあまり、調べ物の課題にしたがあまり学生さんたちにはピンと来ずorz
浅間山小爆發の2例に就て(On Two Cases of Minor Eruption of Mt.Asama) 東京帝国大学地震研究所彙報. 第13冊第4号, 1935.12.20, pp.801-805 寺田寅彦 http://t.co/Y3eaoSKk

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