伊藤 谷生 岩崎 貴哉
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.77, no.2, pp.87-96, 2002-12-27

In Japanese islands, there exist two ongoing arc-arc collision zones (Hidaka region in Hokkaido and Izu region in Honshu). This paper presents an overview for recent geophysical and geological researches on the arc-arc collisions. In the Hidaka collision zone, the Kuril forearc has been collided onto the Northeast Japan arc since Miocene. A series of intensive seismic reflection and refraction since 1994 provided clear images on the collision style including the crustal delamination of the Kuril forearc in this region. These results constrain an important process for the formation of continental crust. Namely, delaminated lower (more mafic) crust of the Kuril forearc is descending down, and being transferred into the mantle by the plate subduction. The resultant crust becomes more felsic, which probably will be a core of the continental crust. The deep structure and deformation style of the Izu collision zone, where the Izu-Bonin arc is colliding to Honshu Island, has not been clarified as yet. In this paper, some of the recent geological and geophysical studies in these regions are introduced.


Yahoo!知恵袋 (1 users, 1 posts)

日高衝突帯に関して、そのテクトニクスとして考えられているものですね。 東北弧と千島弧の衝突で、太平洋プレートが千島海溝に斜め沈み込みをしているため、 千島弧に前弧スリバーが形成されてマイクロプレートになっているというものですね。 「島弧衝突研究の新展開」 http://repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2261/1 ...

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