森岡 さやか
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.259-267, 2008-03-10

This study reviewed the help-seeking studies in the field of mental health, discussed their problems, and suggested new direction. These studies are classified into two categories, namely 'factor analysis study'and 'process study', and problems with each category were pointed out. On the basis of the problems, necessity for the third stream was suggested. On the third stream, three essential points were proposed: 1)examining clients who were currently in, or had recently finished, therapy, 2)considering not only on differences among individuals but also on psychological changing processes which each person has, and 3)grasping on whole phenomenon including background and relationships to other people each person has. Such continuous clinical and psychological help-seeking studies are expected to give knowledge which contributes to consideration of assistance to decide on the use of appropriate services freely, one suffers from mental disorder.


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