朴 炫貞
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.73-83, 2010-03-10

In this study, I analyzed the contents of reminiscences written by the Korean bars about their days prepared the Korean bar examination, named Sa-Bub-Shi-Heum (사 법 시 험,「司法試験」), from the perspective of linkage between examination of qualification and education at universities. In the existing qualification system for the bars in Korea, there is no institutional linkage between the two. But, there are substantial linkages caused by the hierarchy of university formatted by the scores made by each freshman at the national examination for undergraduate admission. The informal resources requiring for pass the bar examination is different with the hierarchy of university. In other words, the opportunity for pass the Korean bar examination is not equal, even though there are no restriction of academic background apply for the examination.


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「韓国における司法試験合格者の受験回想録の内容分析」http://t.co/hOvwVAiUUZというのは、要するに司法試験合格体験記本1冊の内容を分類したら学問業績にということだろう。日本の司法試験合格体験記本を分析するだけで業績になるのなら、一度やってみたいなぁ。 #エアリプ

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