榊原 良太
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.175-182, 2012-03-10

The paper critically assesses and highlights various problems with research carried out on the theme of Psychological "Emotional Labor", whilst then providing an appropriate direction for future research based on the ideas of Hochschild. In particular, the reason for the inconsistency and doubtfulness in terms of the validity of previous research, are based on the conception of "emotional labor" strategies such as "surface acting" and "deep acting", which legitimize the claim. In addition, despite Hochschild's original main focus on it, the existence of the gap between "natural feelings" and "deep acting" as a reason for psychological stress which has been overlooked in research up until now is specified, and the importance of that research is then shown.


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