19 0 0 0 OA 論語の論理構造

安冨 歩
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.152, pp.59-118, 2007-12-19

In this paper I read the text of Confucian Analects from the viewpoint of “learning”. Here, “learning” means the process of understanding something which causes the transformation of the self who understands something. If the process of logical calculation proceeds with the transformation of the self who performs this logical calculation, it is learning. This self-referential dynamical process is the core of the theoretical structure of Confucian Analects.This paper is organized as follows; at first I discuss the concept of knowing (知) and describe the structure of learning in detail. I show that the famous Menoʼs paradox in Platoʼs Meno was solved by Confucius before the birth of Plato.From this perspective, I redefine the major concepts of this text such as 忠(zhong), 信(xin), 恕(shu), 禮(li), 和(he), 同(tong), 君子(junzi), 小人(xiaoren), 仁(ren), etc. Knowing oneʼs own true feeling is the most important thing for a man of virtue. I also discuss a book by Herbert Fingarette on Confucius. In the final section I indicate the similarity between the thoughts of Confucius and M.K. Gandhi.


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[via:packrati.us] RT @HHany: 安冨歩「論語の論理構造」読むべし(via @motohasi)。サンデルの正議論の100倍すばらしい。 http://bit.ly/ffE5ju からダウンロード可能。(知/不知)->知という再帰プロセスとして知、禮、仁などの論語の中心概念を解 ...

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