高橋 隆雄
先端倫理研究 = Studies of advanced ethics (ISSN:18807879)
vol.14, pp.30-48, 2020-03

This paper is based on my personal experiences of fighting against cancer, because referring to such experiences is necessary to consider the relationships between the tendency of normalization and the concept of the buddha-nature. I had two operations for cancer, i.e. the stomach and the pancreas which had grown independently. As a result, I lost the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, spleen, and a half of the pancreas. About two years ago, the pancreas cancer spread to the liver, then began the treatment using anticancer drugs. Through those serious experiences, I noticed, in my mind, the reception of the world view of the Buddhism, i.e. at the core of the world there exists the good power or mechanism which had been called as Dainichi Nyorai, Amitabha, and Kannon, etc. I also noticed in my mind the existence of the tendency of normalization which contributed to the calm of the mind, and such a tendency is common to animals as well as human beings. The tendency of normalization can be a candidate of the buddha-nature, because, according to Buddhism, the buddha-nature helps us to overcome the difficulties and is common to all sentient beings including human beings. To interpret in this way will make the concept of the buddha-nature within the reach of the general public. However, the tendency of normalization is only one aspect of the multilayer concept of the buddha-nature. At the base of that concept, according to Zen Buddhist Dogen, there exists the impermanence or mutual dependency, i.e. Mujo. At the last chapter, the participation into and the good deed based on the Buddhist world view of the good power and Mujo will be considered.


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髙橋先生が論文で引用されていた文章。そんなことしても欲しいものは手に入らないよ、でもその欲しいものを手に入れる方法は他にあるよ、ということを同時に教えてあげることが大切。納得 髙橋隆雄(2020)「日常化の傾向性と仏性:ガン闘病体験に基づく考察」『先端倫理学研究』https://t.co/ubTqha7dVI https://t.co/uPmyOVcrnq
つづけてこちらも拝読。「ピンピンコロリなどよりも哲学者にとってはありがたい病気」とは、なんとも髙橋先生らしい口ぶり。 本当にありがとうございました。 髙橋隆雄(2020)「日常化の傾向性と仏性ーガン闘病体験に基づく考察ー」『先端倫理研究』(14):30-48. https://t.co/ubTqha7dVI

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