鈴木 啓孝 Hirotaka Suzuki
人文科学論叢 = Kumamoto journal of humanities (ISSN:24350052)
vol.4, pp.247-268, 2023-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to further our understanding of the intellectual context surrounding the editing of Jinjō Shōgaku-Shōka (Songs for Elementary Students) completed in June 1914. To that end, this paper analyzes the writings of YUHARA Motoichi, president of Tokyo Music School and chief editor of the above compilation. YUHARA showed understanding for socialism as he harbored deep concern for the distress of the urban poor. He did not impose a state-centered, totalitarian structure on the people. Moreover, he recommended music not only as fi ne arts of the upper classes, but also as applied art with the purpose of comforting the lower classes. Further, he tried to encourager music teachers who were experts in schoolchildren’s songs, with the goal of raising their awareness as educators. The concerns of YUHARA and his fellow co-editors for the social problems of the 1910s are reflected in the gentleness manifested within Jinjō Shōgaku-Shōka


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PDFあり。 ⇒鈴木 啓孝 「『尋常小学唱歌』編纂の思想的背景 : 東京音楽学校校長・湯原元一の論説を中心に」 『人文科学論叢』Vol.4 (2023/3) https://t.co/Qpfr8hWB4U
じっくり読むだけの価値ある論文に出会う喜び。GWはこれで過ぎていくが、まあいいか。 鈴木啓孝「『尋常小学唱歌』編纂の思想的背景」(2023年3月)https://t.co/guQG6DiNr3 10回ほど連載する予定です。 https://t.co/YtIqvjCSqd

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