小松 洋輔 友吉 唯夫 川村 寿一 岡田 謙一郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.16, no.1, pp.17-24, 1970-01

Three cases of intrascrotal rupture of the testis were presented. Case 1: A 21-year-old student got a kick at his left scrotum during Kwarate training. On the third posttraumatic day, the ruptured tunica albuginea was surgically sutured. Case 2: A 25-year-old man fell from the height and got the right scrotum injured. On the third posttraumatic day, the ruptured tunica albuginea was sutured. Case 3: A 58-year-old man got an injury at his right scrotum due to traffic accident while on a motorcycle. It was on the tenth posttraumatic day that the operation was performed. Because the tunica albuginea was so extensively injured, orchiectomy was necessitated. Histological findings of the ruptured testes were described. The rat testes were experimentally ruptured and histological study was made several times after trauma in order to investigate the changes with time.


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.@SagamiNoriaki 事例です。睾丸破裂事故はよくあるそうです。 https://t.co/HUFwyRNpUZ https://t.co/9G2HIE3Wlv

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