小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.29, pp.87-110, 2012-03

The “Powerspots”, known as the sacred places to heal or activate visitors, has come into fashion in recent years. The aim of this paper is to define what the “Powerspots” are based on sociological approach.In the view of sociology of religion, the “Powerspots” are located as a popularized form of modern spirituality. Especially Ehara’s TV program, a Japanese TV program in which he counseled guests spiritually, had decisive impact to make spirituality popular. Even though affirmative handlings of paranormal phenomenon in mass media have long history in Japan, after Ehara’s fad people have accepted a word of spirituality and collaborated to expand it. Publications entitled “Powerspots” have increased from then. Popularized spirituality has transformed as materialism and created spiritual markets.Sociological studies have explained the appearance of spirituality in postmodern society and proliferation of popularized spirituality in Japan, but only a few empirical studies has been done on the receptiveness. In the present study a preliminary survey was conducted on the “Powerspots” for future research. Openended questionnaire results have revealed that (1) while they have knowledge of collecting information about “Powerspots” from the media as well as from other people, the “Powerspots” have been discovered or re-innovated by themselves; (2) although the aims of visit are diverse, in common, they all want to make a distance from daily life; and (3) their attitudes to the “Powerspots” is not only determined by belief, but evaluation of the fashion or society.


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