前川 美行
vol.12, pp.107-126, 2016-03-31

The Japanese folklore tale “Hebimukoiri” has various versions that have been classified into different types of tales such as “Odamaki-gata,” ”Mizukoi-gata,” and so on. It is a story that has undergone much symbolic transformation as it has been handed down orally over a long period of time. The story is alive and continues to develop because of people’s changing social, cultural, and psychological lives. At the same time, it includes a significant psychological theme for not only people of old, but also for people living nowadays. In this article, the author analyzes how the initiation of the “inner woman” occurs in this folklore tale from the perspective of the mother, the father, and the daughter who are its main characters. In addition, the author suggests a new, contemporary version of the tale that contains both the symbolic significance of the action of pulling out needles and the rebirth of the snake.


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前川美行『昔話『蛇婿入』にみる心の変容 : 殺された蛇の視点から』 https://t.co/fm6sOj80fo 父の観点からは「水(恵み)を得る代償に娘(子孫の繁栄)を手放す」物語だけれど、娘の観点からは「異類への婿入り(共同体からの追放-父からの開放)、婿の殺害(婿からの開放)」という自立の物語になるのだな…
@ituki_fgo201912 異類婚に関して面白い論文を読んだ気がする…と思い本棚を漁りました。あまり馴染みのない昔話なので、新鮮かもしれません。宜しければ~

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