鈴木 淳
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.21, pp.213-255, 1995-03-25

本稿は、前稿を引継いで、好古の学芸家謙亭小宮山昌世の後半生すなわち代官罷免後から死没までを年譜形式で考察したもの。その間、師太宰春台と交際を深め、賀茂真淵の弟子でもあった河津長夫の碑銘を撰し、関鳳岡門下の『篆書唐詩選』の刊行のために周旋、さらには自著『発蒙書柬式』を出版するなど、漢学に傾注した。またその前後、甲斐の加賀美光章に慕われ、その文庫設立に助力、ついで『名賢和歌秘説』など歌書の繕写に親んだ頃には、後の山手連の狂歌師山手白人との交際も推知される。晩年は居を小石川隆慶橋畔に卜して、昌世の真骨頂とも言うべき雑史『竜渓小説』を編み、さらにその別巻として、英一蝶らの流刑事件に生々しく迫った『民蝶半記事伝』を共謀の仏師民部からの聞書としてまとめるが、当該書は山東京山の『英一蝶流論考』による紹介を経て、今日まで一蝶伝の第一級資料としての価値を失わない。 This article was succeeded a previous one to consider the latter life of Kentei Komiyama Masayo who was an antiquarian and a man of arts and sciences in a chronological history form from after his dismissal of Daikan to his death. During those years, he became intimate with his master Dazai Shundai, selected inscription of Kawazu Nagao who was a pupil of Kamono Mabuchi, procured for publishing “Tensho To-shisen”(篆書唐詩選)by disciples of Seki Shikyo, also he concentrated the Chinese classics and published his book “Hatsumoshokanshiki”(発蒙書柬式). Before and after that, since he endeared himself to Kagami Mitsuaki of Kai, he helped the establishment of library for Kagami Mitsuaki. When he got close to a repaired book “Meikenwakahisetsu”(名賢和歌秘説), it was inferred that he was also an acquaintance with a writer of comic tanka of Yamate-ren(山手連) Yamateno Shirohito. He edited a miscellaneous facts “Ryukei-shosetsu”(竜渓小説)which should be called the true worth of Masayo’s works living at the ridge of Ryukei bridge in Koishikawa in his later years. Moreover as an extra issue, he gathered “Minchohankijiden”(民蝶半記事伝)which was vividly described banishment of Hanabusa Icho and others as Kikigaki(聞書)from accomplice Minbe who was a sculptor of Buddhist statues . This book has been of value as the primary document until today after an introduction of “Hanabusa Iccho-ryu Ronko”(英一蝶流論考)by Santo Kyozan.


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