松平 功
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = The St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.48, pp.17-49, 2013-03-27

Although the environmental problem was once considered to be one of the important problems to affect the earth in the future, it has already now a critical issue for present people because of rapid environmental and ecological destruction. The most serious issue is the nuclear fuel problem, as we remember thedisaster of Chernobyl and of Three Mile Island, and the terrible accident that has been occurred at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan that was caused by tremendous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. People now have to ask why the gl obal destruction and the environmental crisis has developed and who is the person responsible of this critical issue. No one will be able to deny that the influence of modernization from European and American society is the major factor. If so a question will arise. As Christian countries, what kind of role has Christianity played in order to solve the environmental problems in the European and American societies? Moreover, has Christianity made an effort to perform deterrent work of environmental destruction? If so, why is the environmental issue continuing at this moment? The primary purpose of this essay will be to research the historical and ethical relationship between the factor of environmental destruction and Christianity in the West through the standpoint of Sociology of Religion. This thesis will also attempt to analyze the social structure of the West at the time of the Industrial Revolution, and to pursue people' s concepts about the environment in those days.


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@mattun_ @ryg_synthese ? 宗教と科学の関係に関する一考察 : エコロジー問題を中心として (学院創立110周年記念号) https://t.co/4ZAJN3VhjA 危機的環境破壊の要因と 西欧キリスト教との関係性 https://t.co/vMA0G53nWI
@mattun_ @ryg_synthese 興味深く拝読しました。 こちらが「科学」の分野だとお考えですか? 【危機的環境破壊の要因と西欧キリスト教との関係性 ─キリスト教環境倫理学的変遷の宗教社会学的考察─】https://t.co/vMA0G53nWI 【宗教と科学の関係に関する一考察─エコロジー問題を中心として─】 https://t.co/a7t2pZdiDD https://t.co/MbsZecLFDN
前RT:「宗教みたいに」とあるが、再エネの主張にこの言い回しは不要だろう。環境に対する姿勢は宗教によってかなりの差違がある。 ちなみに西欧キリスト教と環境破壊については、以下の論文が参考になる。 危機的環境破壊の要因と西欧キリスト教との関係性 https://t.co/boAxF8UpXA

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