牧 みぎわ
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.6, pp.213-240, 2017-03-10

The safety of food is a matter of great concern in the world today. In Italy,the homeland of pasta, the safety of wheat is a focus of attention and arousingan intense controversy. However, a thorough check of its quality is very difficultbecause of the enormous quantity of imported wheat which is goingaround. Under these circumstances, ancient types of wheat like Spelt andCamut are attracting an increasing interest for their primitiveness and, therefore,safety.In the same way, a wheat cultivar Senatore Cappelli is being reevaluated. Itwas created in 1915 by an Italian agricultural geneticist Nazareno Strampelli,as the first cultivar of hard wheat (Durum). It is the ancestor of almost all ofthe hard types of wheat existing and circulating now. The Senatore Cappellialso contributed to the “Green Revolution” and turned Southern Italy into afertile land, but after the World War Ⅱ, it went driven away by new cultivars.Only recently the Senatore Cappelli is regaining its reputation, especiallyamong professionals of the food market. In this paper I try to examine thevalue of this species of wheat and show its significance in today’s Italy.


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