松村 芳明
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第24巻, no.第2号, pp.193-206, 2012-03

The youth-protection ordinance of Fukushima Prefecture includes articles which punish a person for putting materials (including books, videotapes, DVDs, etc.) harmful to youth in automatic vending machines. The Supreme Court of Japan upheld this regulation in a case on March 9, 2009. The automatic vending machine in which the defendant in this case put a DVD had a remote control system. This case note aims to examine this decision, including relevant precedent cases, in view of constitutional law. This case note concludes that the defendant in this case should have been found not guilty.


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松村芳明「判例評釈 : 福島県青少年健全育成条例による有害図書類の規制に関する判決」 https://t.co/CHp5eeL7g4 判例評釈なので、条例のざっとした説明と他も含む判例への言及が中心で、別途検索された文献(詳細未確認)が多少言及されているけれど独自の太い芋蔓はなさげ。

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