木村 雄一
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education
vol.62, no.1, pp.203-214, 2013

This paper deals with N. Kaldor on Monetarism from the viewpoint of Kaldor's theory, his policy and his thought. According to some previous studies, Kaldor criticized Friedman's monetarism, the revival of beliefs in the quantity theory of money, because a theory of the value of money based on a commodity-money economy is not applicable to a credit-money economy from the point of Kaldor's theory and policy. However, what seems to be lacking is that they don't deal with their battles which depends on their own social visions or their economic thoughts. Therefore, the purpose of this paper shows that Kaldor's critique of Friedman was the battle between Kaldor's vision of a social democracy and Friedman's Laissez-faire.


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