関 由起子
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.67, no.2, pp.297-306, 2018

Although the school-nurse teacher in Japan (Yogo teacher) has developed uniquely for caring for students at school, students and their parents sometimes hardly understand the role of the teacher. The purpose of this study was to explore the thoughts of parents of students about who the Yogo teacher is and what roles do they expect the Yogo teacher to fulfill. An online survey was conducted with 1000 mothers of children in elementary and high schools across Japan. Results showed that over 80% mothers neither knew the formal name “Yogo teacher,” nor that the teacher must have a Yogo teacher license. About 60% thought that the teachers have nurse or public health nurse license. Those who thought that the teachers have nurse or public health nurse license significantly expected Yogo teachers to perform first aid. On the other hand, 6.6% mothers thought that the teachers do not need a special license and had no expectations from teachers. These results revealed that each parent had a different perception and expectations from the Yogo teacher. To identify the health needs of students and support them more effectively, Schools need to explain their functions and roles to students and their parents more often.


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@frs_fukaya @rDYdntipDQ6Gtth @shimeshimejin 関由起子教授(埼玉大学)がある自治体を調査した際、看護師免許持ちの養護教諭は全体の4%だったそうです。 https://t.co/MsXvMxxVSa
@parasite2006 @MyuMyukafcr1 @Niigata_u_ped 埼玉大学の調査では ・保健室の先生の正式名称が「養護教諭」であると答えられた保護者14.9% ・保健室の先生は医療資格を必ず持っていると思っている保護者 67.1% となっています。養護教諭について世間からは理解されてないかもしれません。 https://t.co/MsXvMxxVSa

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