鈴木 隆弘
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.103, no.2, pp.29-59, 2021-09-16

The propaganda bureau of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) has the role of “induction of the public opinion,” “regulation of the public opinion,” outside the party, and “opinion agreement” to unify the opinion within the party. This paper demonstrates that the propaganda bureau of the KMT strengthened control by unifying the opinion within the party in the early days of the tutelage period. Two methods of unifying the opinion were employed. First, the KMT created a vertical leadership system for the local party propaganda bureau by the central party, and second, the party members were instructed by the content of the propaganda to homogenize political ideas. After the reorganization of the KMT in January 1924, the necessity of both methods was recognized; however, the system was not sufficiently established, and the opinion was not unified. Therefore, it was extremely vulnerable as an organization. Hence, the KMT proceeded with developing the propaganda organization in 1928. First, the organizational rules of the central-local propaganda bureau were formulated, and the hierarchical relationship between the propaganda bureau of local propaganda organization was established with the central propaganda bureau at the top. An “propaganda system” based on orders and obedience was institutionalized. In addition, in the “propaganda strategy” established by the central propaganda bureau, the propaganda was divided into “inside the party” and “outside the party.” The “inside of the party” propaganda refers to unifying the intentions of the party members. After establishing such an institutional framework, the central propaganda bureau increased its effectiveness in various ways. First, it thoroughly carried out a “propaganda work report” to the upper party bureau from the lower party bureau. The central propaganda bureau gave instructions based on these reports, rigorously assessing and evaluating the reports to control the lower party. Furthermore, to promote the unification of the content of propaganda, a national propaganda conference was held to unify the content of propaganda and to exchange people. By supplying a large amount of propaganda items throughout the region, they tried to unify the propaganda and promote the unification of the party members’ opinions.


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