Kondo Yasushi
Science and technology = 理工学総合研究所研究報告 (ISSN:09162054)
no.30, pp.21-29, 2018-02

[概要]We often let a student make a cloud chamber at experiments on demand for radiation education. A student,who successfully observed a radiation track, was interested in not only radiations but also science.Therefore,we believe that "making a cloud chamber" is very useful for science education.Unfortunately, not all students were successful to observe tracks so far. In this paper, we present an easy way how to make a cloud chamber that is 100% successful to observe tracks.放射線に関する教育の一環として、筆者は出張実験などで学生に霧箱を作成させることを行ってきた。飛跡を見ることができると学生は放射線だけでなく科学に対する興味を持つことができるので、霧箱の作成は教育効果が高いと考えている。しかしながら、残念なことに「すべての生徒が飛跡の観察に成功した」訳ではなかった。本稿では、簡単に制作でき、しかも100%飛跡を観察することができる改良された拡散霧箱の作り方について議論する。
Kondo Yasushi Kiguchi Masayoshi
理工学総合研究所研究報告 = Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology (ISSN:09162054)
no.24, pp.67-73, 2012-02-01

[Abstract] Maxwell theoretically established electromagnetism in Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism. Since this book is not read nowadays, not a few people do not know that experimental discussions are important in this book. Especially, Maxwell verified various laws with precise experiments. We believe that Maxwell should considered Physics is based on experiments. We discuss on Maxwell's experiments that proved Coulomb's inverse-square law. 今日の電磁気学を理論的に確立したと考えられるのはマクスウェルのTreatise on Electricity & Magnetismである。この本は今日ほとんど読まれることがないために、実験に関する記述も多いことは忘れられている。特に精密実験による様々な法則の検証に注意を払っているのは、マクスウェルが物理学を実験科学と考えていた証拠である。ここでは、クーロンの逆2乗則に関するマクスウェルの精密実験について考えよう。
Matsushima K Bando M Ichikawa T Nakahara M Kondo Y
理工学総合研究所研究報告 = Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology (ISSN:09162054)
vol.26, pp.33-39, 2014-02-01

[Abstract] Quantum operations robust against random noise and systematic errors are essential ingredients in the quantum control. We have theoretically studied such robust quantum operations against the errors, that consist of several elementary operations and are called composite quantum gates. In this article, we experimentally discuss the robustness of various composite quantum gates by using NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) that is one of the most familiar quantumly controlled systems. [概要] 量子制御には乱雑なノイズや系統的なエラーの影響を受け難い量子操作が必要である。我々は今までエラー耐性を持つ量子操作(複数の基本的な量子操作を組み合わせた複合量子ゲート)の理論的な研究を主に行ってきた。本稿では、最も身近な量子制御であるNMR(核磁気共鳴)を用いて、様々な複合量子ゲートのエラー耐性を実験的に調べる。
嘉悦 勲
理工学総合研究所研究報告 = Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology (ISSN:09162054)
vol.2, pp.1-4, 1990-01-01

[Abstract] It seems that the importance of study on the boundary areas between the different fields of sciences and cultures is increasing with the time. The basic conditions to stimulate and promote such a study can be summarized into the three characteristic features in the modern age, that is, (1) overlapping and mutual interactions of individual specialized fields in sciences and technologies, (2) finding of symbolic and analogical view for the objects obtained by microscale analysis in modern science methodology, and (3) reflection on the negative phenomena such as environmental and ethical problems caused by rapid developments of science and technology. This is the introduction to future work to clarify the characteristics of boundary areas and find effective metholosical ways for understanding and anticipating of those areas.
嘉悦 勲
理工学総合研究所研究報告 = Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology (ISSN:09162054)
no.2, pp.1-4, 1990-01-01

[Abstract] It seems that the importance of study on the boundary areas between the different fields of sciences and cultures is increasing with the time. The basic conditions to stimulate and promote such a study can be summarized into the three characteristic features in the modern age, that is, (1) overlapping and mutual interactions of individual specialized fields in sciences and technologies, (2) finding of symbolic and analogical view for the objects obtained by microscale analysis in modern science methodology, and (3) reflection on the negative phenomena such as environmental and ethical problems caused by rapid developments of science and technology. This is the introduction to future work to clarify the characteristics of boundary areas and find effective metholosical ways for understanding and anticipating of those areas.
Minami Takeshi Bunno Michiaki Imazu Setsuo
理工学総合研究所研究報告 = Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology (ISSN:09162054)
no.20, pp.41-48, 2008-02-01

Vermillion made from cinnabar ore was used for decorating the physical remains and the inner surfaces of burial facilities in ancient times. For this purpose, we measured the ratio of sulfur isotopes in the vermillion and compared the measurements with cinnabar ore collected from four mines in Japan and China, and to try and find the source of the vermillion used in ancient times. There are many cinnabar mines in Japan. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to measure the ratio of sulfur isotope of cinnabar ore in Japanese mines and to compare the ratio with mines in China. Sulfur isotope ratios in cinnabar ore collected in north, east and center regions in Hokkaido is about −4%, while the ratios of +4 to +9% are measured in the Hidaka and south regions of Hokkaido. While the ratio of ore from the Niu mine in Mie measured −8.9%. While, the ratio of ore collected in the Kamio and Yamato mines in Nara are −3.0 and −3.1%, respectively. The ore from Tokushima mines measured −3.6 to −4.0%, with −5.3 to −5.8% from the Ehime mines, and −2.4% from the Kochi mines. In Kyushu, the ratios are -3.5 to -6.3 from the Oita mine, +1.9 from the Nagasaki mine, and -3.6 from the Kagoshima mine. From the present study, the ratio of sulfur isotopes in the cinnabar ore collected from Hokkaido mines is dependant on the mine. In contrast, the ratio in ore collected from the Niu mine shows significantly different from the ore in other mines. Therefore, it is concluded that the vermillion made from cinnabar ore collected from Niu mine can be determined from the measurement of the sulfur isotope ratio.
中口 譲 高山 真太郎 佐野 到
Science and technology = 理工学総合研究所研究報告 (ISSN:09162054)
no.29, pp.33-41, 2017-02

Atmospheric samples were collected from March to June in 2014. Major ionic constituent (Na+ , NH4+ , K+ , Mg2+ , Ca2+, F- , Cl- , NO3- ,SO42-) , PM2.5 and PMc were observed. Asian Dust storm event were observed from May 28 to June 1 during this sampling period. The concentrations of F-, NO3- , K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+ in coarse fraction were increased during Asian Dust storm event. The concentrations of SO42- , NH4+, K+ were increased during Asian Dust storm event. The high correlation was recognized between Na+ and Cl- in the coarse fraction. The high correlations were recognized between SO42-, NH4+, K+, Ca2+ and PM2.5.
保本 正芳 向井 苑生 佐野 到
理工学総合研究所研究報告 (ISSN:09162054)
no.22, pp.45-48, 2010-02

multi-spectral photometer of NASA/AERONET has been working at Kinki University campus in Higashi-Osaka since 2002 for measuring urban aerosols. Standard products of aerosol characteristics, e.g. optical thickness of aerosols (AOT), Angstrom Exponent (α), size distribution parameters etc, are provided on the NASA/AERONET Web page. We classify atmospheric particles into three clusters by using AOT and α of the AERONET data. We identified these clusters as desert dust, urban industrial pollution and background aerosols. Software SPSS was used for the cluster analysis.
千川 道幸 海野 和三郎 湯浅 学
理工学総合研究所研究報告 (ISSN:09162054)
vol.1, pp.35-39, 1989-01

The structure in the Virgo Cluster is studied on the basis of fractal structure analysis. The numbers of galaxies used are about two hundreds in this analysis in the area of 12h to 13h and 0° to 20° of right ascension and declination respectively. We get a result of the fractal dimension of 1.98±0.23 as preliminary result.
湯浅 学 Umetani Masafumi Yamamoto Nawo DAS M. K.
理工学総合研究所研究報告 (ISSN:09162054)
vol.17, pp.1-7, 2005-02-28

It happens frequently that the observational data is not complete but missing partly by various reasons. A preliminary study for supplementing adjusted values to such imperfect data based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is executed. IRAS 3 colors of mass-losing stars and their expanding velocity on the ground based observations are adopted for the experiment. One of these 4 data is eliminated for each star and the adjusted value is restored. The original data and the restored one are compared and the distribution of the restored errors is studied.本文データの一部は、CiNiiから複製したものである。
Unno Wasaburo
理工学総合研究所研究報告 (ISSN:09162054)
vol.3, pp.1-5, 1991-01-30

[Abstract] Earth as a whole can be considered as a multi-dimensional dynamical system if not completely an isolated system. Global environment problem, for example, should be described in multi-dimensional phase space consisting of all observables including space and time. Multi-dimensional representation of one variable, e.g., temperature at one position, changing with time is first described, and is generalized to multi-dimensional representation of several variables, temperatures at several positions, and then is generalized to that of many variables, all the characteristic quantities of the system at various space-time positions. The multi-dimensional representation should be adopted to the dynamical system analysis described by a system of differential equations as well as the analysis of the observational data system of any dynamical system.