森 楙 七木田 敦 青井 倫子 廿日出 里美
広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 教育学 (ISSN:09198660)
vol.40, pp.181-186, 1992-03-27

本研究の目的は, 行事場面における保育者の行動特性を組織的観察法を用いて明らかにすることにあった。結果から, 次の3点が明らかとなった。(1)自由遊び場面に比較して, 行事場面では保育者の働きかけは「支配的」になりやすく, 幼児の「依存的」な反応も多くなる。(2)保育形態として設定保育を取り入れている園は, 自由保育を取り入れている園よりも行事場面ではより「支配的」になりやすい。(3)行事場面にも, 幼児の創意工夫が生かされるような保育者の配慮があれば幼児の自立性が出てくるので, 行事の内容及び進め方を工夫する必要がある。行事の教育的意義を保育に生かすために, 親との提携は必要不可欠である。そのため親の行事に対する考え方を明らかにすることは, 従来の幼稚園・保育所主導の行事を再考するうえで有効であると考えられる。今後, この点を実証的に検討していく予定である。The purpose of this study was to analyze the mutual interactions between teachers and children in annual events activities of nursery school (y#ochien) comparing with play activities.A systematic observation method was adopted in this research. The authors especially devised two kinds of observation categories to check (1) active behaviors of a teacher on young children, (2) responsive behaviors of the teacher to their active behaviors. Annual events, including with "the short trip", "Onigiri (rice ball) party", "Mochitsuki (rice-cake making)", "Yakiimo (baked sweet potatoes)", and "presentation of singing songs, dancing, and operetta. etc.", were conducted to observe the behaviors of the teacher and children.The following are the main results;1. Compared with play activities, the teacher's behaviors were inclined to directive in events activities. In some events activities that had less strict in schedule, the teachers behaviors were inclined to supportive.2. Supportive behaviors of teacher, such as praise, suggestion, approval, etc, fostered the independent, supportive behaviors and active interactions among children in events activities.3. Some modifications of the content of events activities, such as less restricted environment and more freedom in schedule, will draw out and develop children's independent and spontaneous behaviors.
小池 源吾
広島大学教育学部紀要 第一部 教育学 (ISSN:09198660)
no.47, pp.21-30, 1998

Since 1960' s with a background of expansion of graduate schools, the adult education study in the United States has remarkably progressed. It can be said that the research on adult education has been developed on a base of self—directed learning (SDL)because many researchers considered it as a central concept in adult education. The proliferation of SDL research, however, along with vagueness of concept and diversity of approaches, prohibits us from understanding SDL theory in perspective.The purpose of this paper is to clarify the advances and issues in SDL theory by reviewing SDL researches chronologically.First I analyzed the dissertations on SDL quantitatively using the database of Dissertation Abstract International. As a consequence I found there are 388 dissertations presented from 1966 to September 4th, 1998. The average number of dissertations annually by 1970' s was 1.0 to 2.4, but it increased dramatically in 1980' s. Especially after mid-1980' s it went over twenty.Then I analyzed SDL researches qualitatively. I selected a number of researchers to be considered from the viewpoint of impact and contribution toward the development of SDL theory, and classified them into three groups : the first generation, the second generation and the third one. As the first generation, who worked as a originator, I listed up C. O. Houle, A. Tough, and M. S. Knowles.The second generation is a group which filled the role of making the research done by the first generation exqusite and of examining it critically. L. M. Guglielmino, S. D. Brookfield, G. E. Spear and D. W . Mocker represented this generation. And succeeding group which adjusted the discord between the first generation and second one is referred as the third generation. It includes H. B. Long, P. C. Candy, P. Jarvis, P. Cranton, R. G. Brockett & R. Hiemstra, and M. Tennant who have appeared in 1990's.I focus on the first and the second generations here.