飯倉 章
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
no.3, pp.1-23, 1997-07

The phrase "Yellow Peril" became popular because it summed up the idea that the rise of the yellow race was a danger to the white race. It was the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, and his cartoon that propagated the Yellow Peril idea around the world and popularized it in the Western political arena. There are, however, some misunderstandings over the Kaiser's role in the Yellow Peril. First, this essay attempts to clarify the genesis of the phrase "Yellow Peril" and its relation to the Kaiser's cartoon embodying his idea of the Yellow Peril. Although the Kaiser seems to have believed himself to be the inventor of the phrase, there is no evidence proving this. There is also no evidence that the Kaiser's cartoon was originally entitled "the Yellow Peril," although this belief has been widely held. Next, this essay considers the effect which the Kaiser's idea of the Yellow Peril had on the decision-making process of the Triple Intervention of 1895, the intervention by the three powers, Russia, Germany and France, which forced Japan to renounce the possession of the Liaotung Peninsula. As the Kaiser sent the cartoon to his cousin, Tsar Nicholas II, and propagated the Yellow Peril idea just after the intervention, it has been argued that the fear aroused by the Yellow Peril played a major role in the intervention. The fact is, however, that the Kaiser used the fear mainly as a means of justifying the intervention. Lastly, this essay examines the contemporary reaction to the cartoon. Admittedly, it caused a mild sensation in the Western political arena. However, it also became a subject of amusement. In fact, some ridiculed the cartoon as much as they did the Kaiser's idea of the Yellow Peril itself.
ダオ フー ジュン
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
vol.3, pp.25-48, 1997-07-15

大橋 稔
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
no.18, pp.87-103, 2013-03-15

The purpose of this paper is to describe a way of achieving success for African American women. Through some analyses of Nella Larsen's Passing , I describe that the passing is a kind of solidarity which connects African American community and "passed" people. Moreover, I point out that creating a successful image of their own is the utmost of importance for African American women so that they achieve success by their own hands.
牛島 万
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
vol.8, pp.1-34, 2002-10-01

The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was an extremely remarkable event for both Mexico and the United States of America, and makes a huge impact on their political and economic evolution. The U.S., which was the winner of this war, made Mexico cede California, New Mexico to the U.S., concluding the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February 1848. The U.S. also obtained Oregon from Great Britain in 1846. The U.S. had completed the establishment of its Continental Empire, and this can be seen in the sudden elevation of Manifest Destiny. Therefore, in this war, the U.S. established the basis on which in the future it would continue on its way to world hegemony. The U.S. obtained a huge territory, namely, the West, expanded its domestic commerce, and enlarged its industrial sector in about thirty years after the war. In contrast, Mexico, defeated in this war, was not only forced to decline the country's force, but also to continue its political disorder after the war. Continuing internal conflicts and intervention by foreign countries promoted Mexico's economic underdevelopment. On this point, the Mexican-American War signals the beginning of a pessimistic history, and the gap which continued between the two countries remains now even after more then 150 years. For these reasons, an understanding of the Mexican-American War is essential to an understanding of the general relations between two countries.
牛島 万
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
vol.5, pp.39-62, 1999-11-30

I have studied the transcendental characters of Hispanic/Latinos in American movies. The following may be given as a conclusion. Stereotypes of Hispanics are different by gender, and the number of women's stereotypes is greater than that of the men's. There are both positive and negative images of stereotyped Hispanics. Positive images of male Hispanics are masculine, kind to women, but on the other hand, the negative images are spitfire and violent. Positive images of female Hispanics are passionate, motherly, chaste and pure, but the negative images are short-tempered, ignorant, rude, subordinate, etc. From the 1920s to 40s, Hispanic actresses were very popular and there were two types of actress. Some actresses, like Dolores del Rio and Rita Hayworth, emphasized their positive stereotyped images. Others, like Lupe Velez and Carmen Miranda, tried to get rid of their negative stereotyped images and tried to be comedian actresses. They, however, failed to have transcendental characters at last. The transcendental characters of Hispanic heroes could be often seen in the movies in 1980s. In this period Male Hispanic actors were more popular than Hispanic actresses, and such heroes tried to act as transcendental characters in the movies. For laying emphasis on a strong impression of this kind of Hispanic hero, other actors or actresses with stereotyped characters were necessary to act on the movies. In the 1990s, the same kind of stereotyped characters as that in 1980s are greatly acting in the movies, but a new phenomenon is seen in some American movies: A Hispanic hero has changed his destereotyped characters to a stereotyped one and got to have a counter-transcendental character. This means that it is truly difficult for Hispanics to transcend even in the movies. This is because movies are influenced by the reality of our society.
樊 穎
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
no.17, pp.15-30, 2012-03-20

Because the word "dream" is often usede in the literature of the Heian period in Japan, and because a large number of diary entries on dreams have been found, scholars have been focusing on the "dream" as one of the major themes of these works of literature. Among the memoirs of the Heian period, this work in particular, and its author, Lady Sarashina(also known as Sugawara no Takasue no musume), are perhaps best understood in terms of the "dream" theme. So much so, in fact, that the author of Sarashina Diary is described as "adreaming girl." In previous research on Sarashina Diary, many scholars have commented on the author's religious consciousness in relation to the "dream." The current article draws on this research to consider the relationship between Sarashina Diary's structure and dreams.
樊 穎
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
no.17, pp.15-30, 2012-03-20

Because the word "dream" is often usede in the literature of the Heian period in Japan, and because a large number of diary entries on dreams have been found, scholars have been focusing on the "dream" as one of the major themes of these works of literature. Among the memoirs of the Heian period, this work in particular, and its author, Lady Sarashina(also known as Sugawara no Takasue no musume), are perhaps best understood in terms of the "dream" theme. So much so, in fact, that the author of Sarashina Diary is described as "adreaming girl." In previous research on Sarashina Diary, many scholars have commented on the author's religious consciousness in relation to the "dream." The current article draws on this research to consider the relationship between Sarashina Diary's structure and dreams.
森田 豊
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
vol.2, pp.49-63, 1996-08-31

The days from the foundation of Bohai by Da Zuo Rong to the first delegation to Japan in Sho-Mu era were the reign of empresses, viz. Ji-Tou, Gen-Myou, and Gen-Shou, in Japan. The innovations of the political institutions and many achievements for the establishment of a modernized state were accomplished by the efforts of those empresses in their eras. The stable political situation as a result of the settlement of the state-form enabled the beginning of the cultural interchange with the neighboring nations. The paper tries to have a brief look in at the eras of the empresses.
ジュン ダオ フー
国際文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:13412663)
vol.10, pp.43-71, 2005-03-10

新しい経営様式または新型経済にとっては新しいマーケティング、コミュニケーション手段が必要になる。今までこの仕事を担っているあの莫大な産業としてのテレビ広告は今後登場するオンライン広告の敗者になることは明らかだと心配する人は少なくないだろう。Georges Gilderのような論者は『テレビの消える日』(Life After Television)という著作を書いて、テレビの退陣まで予告しようとした。だがはたして、インターネット広告、電子メール広告はテレビコマーシャルの役割を果たすことができるのだろうか。たしかに、双方向性や即時性や経費節減能力などは新広告の長所だと認めなくてはいけない。それから携帯媒体によって茶の間を離れてどこでも放映でき、いつでも生活者に情報を提供できるようにもなるだろう。しかしテレビ広告にはまだいくつかの利点がある。少なくとも今までのテレビ広告に比べると、インターネット広告はまだ豊かで面白い内容を見せることができない。欲望が貧弱なこの現代の社会(Desireless Society)にとっては何よりテレビ広告が提供できる夢世界が必要となる。その上、インターネット広告はあまりにも個人的、孤立的な情報手段である。応接間にある人間と人間の触れ合い話題性の暖かさを欠く。一方、生活者は単純にテレビを放棄する気持がない。近年(1998)明治学院大学と電通との共同社会調査の結果によると次世代のオピニオンリーダー〔Opinion Leader〕像はコンピュータに多いに時間を使うにもかかわらずテレビに対する関心も衰退しない人たちである。テレビが到来したので新聞と雑誌のような活字媒体が消えるわけがなかったようにコンピュータはテレビの完全な代役になる将来がまだ遠いだろう。消滅か存続かより変貌になると思う。そのように期待する。そのことを実現できるためにテレビは情報技術(データベース技術、CG技術、衛星、ケーブル放送技術など)の支援を徹底的に利用して欲しい。TVCFのステレオタイプ、モデルによって量産し、地域個別型(例えばイスラム社会型、東アジア型、EU型)、地球共通型の広告メッセージを製作し、ソフトビジネスの繁栄に貢献できることは焦点である。同時に、テレビ技術自身の改善(画面、画質、撮影技能)、テレビ業界の構造改革(保護的な商慣行の排除、価格透明性、国際規制緩和、生活者への思いやり)それからメディアプランニングの経済合理化、メッセージ内容向上などもこの変貌の達成の不可欠な条件であろう。