上山 敬補
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.8, pp.77-109, 2007-03-31

Sen treats the problem of justice through the capability approach. Sen argues that the distributive problem is originally ignored in the utilitarianism, and consequentially overlooked in the Rawlsian two principles of justice and the libertarianism of Nozick. On the other hand, Sen argues that the principle of individual freedom as a social commitment excels those other principles of justice because Sen's principle demands to secure the equality of basic-capability. Such Sen's principle of justice is based on his view of humanity. That is to say, according to Sen's view of humanity, the human being rationally considers the way of life from different standpoints. As the result, the human being universally recognizes the importance of the behavior to improve the various situations of miserable people. Sen argues against the skepticism about the possibility of social justice, and he says that his view of humanity indicates the possibility of the principle of individual freedom as a social commitment. Sen's view of humanity, however, indicates not only the possibility of social justice but also the necessity of his principle of justice through the solemn respecting for the reason by Sen. Therefore, from this point we are able to know that Sen's principle of justice excels other principles because Sen's view of humanity excels other views of humanity on which the utilitarianism, the Rawlsian two principles of justice and the libertarianism of Nozick base.
岩野 茂道
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.6, pp.1-16, 2005-03-31

私の旧著『ドル本位制』(1977)の構想は,アメリカ国際収支赤字をめぐる1960年代末当時の基軸通貨ドルをめぐる国際論争(国際流動性論争),いわゆる「Minority View versus Majority View」に触発されたものであった(拙稿初出論文は1971年)。あれから30年余を経過し,資本収支の比重が激増しその内容も複雑になった。赤字の焦点も[経常収支]に移りこそすれ,アメリカ国際収支赤字持続の構造は変わっていない。途中ニクソンショック(金・ドル交換停止)すなわち固定相場制度(ブレトンウッヅ体制)から変動相場制への移行を経由しているので,結果のみから断定するのは短絡のそしりはまぬかれないが,論争の行方は少数派に味方したということが出来よう。アメリカ経常収支赤字は途中一時黒字に転換したものの爾来今日まで20余年にわたって続くその赤字幅も危機ラインとされていたGNP比5%をはるかに超えてしまっている。しかしアメリカ経済はこの30年間大小の景気波動はあったものの,またユーロという欧州共同通貨誕生をみたとはいえ,ドルの基軸通貨機能は揺るぎそうにない。他方,日本の経常収支黒字はアメリカ経常収支赤字の対極の姿を一層強めてその傾向を変える気配は見られない。貯蓄・投資バランスがアメリカを中心にグローバル化した80年代以降,国毎の貯蓄率の格差(金利差)と企業の収益力格差,さらには景気循環のばらつき(ないしはインフレとデフレの交錯)の間隙を縫った国際資本移動が,30余年前(固定相場制時代)には生きていた基軸通貨国の国際収支問題の存在を失くしてしまったからである。このため,世界の余剰貯蓄を吸収して成長を続ける過少貯蓄国アメリカと反対に,高貯蓄率国日本はバブル崩壊後の深刻なデフレのため未だに有利な投資先を国内に見つけ出せず,対外投資(資本輸出)と商品輸出(経常収支黒字)でもってバランスをとらざるを得ず,記録的な財政赤字を以ってしても経常黒字・円高・デフレの悪循環というトラップに絡まれてから久しい。一体,日米金利の格差はどこから来るのであろうか。何故経常黒字国の日本の金利が名目ゼロから抜け出せないのか。 20年余も経常赤字を続けるだけでなく,その赤字規模をGDP比6%近くまで拡大しているアメリカが何故高金利のもと安定した経済成長を続けうるのか。30余年前「流動性のジレンマ」をめぐる「ドル本位制」論争は独り欧米の問題ではなく,今や形を変えてわれわれに追っている。日本が直面している厳しい状況も以上の課題に答えることなくしては袋小路から抜け出せないだろう。同時にそれは日本だけでなく,ユーロという共通通貨を創出し歴史に挑戦しているEU諸国,とりわけかつての準基軸通貨マルクを大胆(軽率?)に捨て切ったドイツが抱える難題でもあるはずである。本稿はニクソンショック前後のアメリカ国際収支赤字をめぐる論争の背景とそれから30年後(2005年)の同じ赤字構造の類似性と新しく発生した諸条件からくる差異性を整理する作業のための試論である。この仕事から,私の旧著の立論は基本的には検証されるとしても,いくつかの誤りや不鮮明な箇所を明らかにし,その訂正と修正の作業でもある。
上山 敬輔
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.4, pp.169-186, 2004-03-31

Amartya Sen has been proposing the capability approach as a new method of evaluating person's well-being. The capability approach differs from the utility-based approach and the commodity-based approach in the basic information for evaluating person's well-being. The capability approach focuses on various ways of life that he or she values on reason. Sen expresses various ways of life that he or she achieves or can achieve as a functioning and a set of those various functionings as a capability. The capability approach bases on Sen's recognition that well-being is concerned with his or her various ways of life that he or she values. Sen himself represents his recognition of well-being as a 'straightforward fact'. Although Sen's expression of 'straightforward fact' gives a person the impression that his recognition of well-being was obtained by intuition, that recognition originates from his pluralistic perspective of human behavior. Sen thinks that each human being has plural idea that governs personal behavior and that plural idea includes the idea of various ways of life that he or she has reason to value in terms of well-being. Therefore Sen recognizes that various ways of life that he or she values in terms of well-being are very important for person's well-being. Two chief purposes of this paper are to illuminate Sen's plural view of humanity by examining his criticism to the modern economics perspective of human behavior and clarify the relationship between the capability approach and Sen's view of humanity.
松井 宏方
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.4, pp.241-256, 2004-03-31

Recognizing the relationship of the Latin roots civitas and urbs for the English word city, this paper observes the successive development of the city since the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution in Britain, the intense concentration of people in rapidly growing industrial cities created an inferior habitat. Although many altternative models for cities based on socialist utopian ideas have been proposed, Marxists refused to accept the concrete city image. It is pointless to propose city reform without social reconstruction through socialism. Modern city planning in solidality with politics has therefore not taken place in favor of technical methods aimed at ameliorating the habitat. In the process of modernizing Japan by accepting Western ideas in all fields, city planning techniques have not had the opportunity to draw upon a more integrated planning approach. It is important to realize the current Town Planning and Zoning Act does not include the depiction of an integrated idea for the city.
金子 甫
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.4, pp.1-16, 2004-03-31

Professor Huntington's theory of the clash of civilizations is based on the ideas that mankind is split into some parts according to different civilizations and that there is no factor to combine the parts. He seems not to understand that commodity-exchange is a strong combining factor. Commodity-exchanges which mediate the division of labuor among people of different families are connectors to form human society. They have necessarily spread over the world by the power of great profits they give. The more exchanges among people develop, the more antagonistic relations get restrained, and the more confrontations among nations and states become relaxed. The greatest factor which causes dangerous clashes is not the differences of civilizations but communism that abolishes commodity-exchanges. Communist forces destroy human society by abolishing market and also attack all religions and civilizations other than communism. Though Huntington himself says that the most important element which defines civilizations is religion, he is mistaken to think that the conflict between communism and liberal democracy is "only a fleeting and superficial historical phenomenon compared to the……conflictual relation between Islam and Christianity." His proposition that America should accept China's domination in Asia inclusive of Japan in order to maintain Western countries' security and prosperity is based on the above-mentioned shortsighted outlook on the human history. Being guided by this proposition, America will decline in the long run.
加藤 久和
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.4, pp.35-52, 2004-03-31

In 2002 fiscal year, long-term public debt of Japanese government has reached almost 611 trillion yen. The purpose of this paper is to inspect the sustainability of this public debt of the Japanese government considering the fiscal operation from postwar. We can define the sustainability as that the government should satisfy its intertemporal budget constraints. To test this sustainability condition, although there are some empirical methods to inspect this problem and many empirical research results are reported, we present a new method applying smoothing hypothesis in this paper. We conduct the conditions to satisfy the sustainability from the specific relation between the second-order increments of the series of the public debt and its expected value, and apply this method to time series data. The result of the empirical investigation shows that the sustainability condition has not satisfied using the data from 1956 to 2002. However, using data from 1966 to 1992, we can conclude the Japanese government keep its intertemporal budget constrains. From these results, the cause of to dissatisfy sustainability are attributed to the government fiscal operation after 1992.
衣川 恵
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.4, pp.53-65, 2004-03-31

The Japanese economy in the latter half of the 1980s was a bubble economy of historical scale. Thereafter the Japanese economy was destructively damaged by the bubble economy. I think that one of the factors of the bubble economy was the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan in those days. The Bank of Japan did not raise its official discount rate till the end of May in 1989, though the bubble of asset prices expanded extraordinarily. The Bank of Japan attached great importance to 'price stability'. In the latter half of the 1980s, prices stabilized because of the yen's appreciation. So the Bank of Japan did not raise the official discount rate. I think that this stance by the Bank of Japan was not sound. Whatever prices are stabilizing, the Bank of Japan has to operate its monetary policy for other economic phenomena like the bubble. In my opinion, the Bank of Japan should change its stance in the monetary policy. And the Law of the Bank of Japan should be revised from this point of view.