松園 潤一朗
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.18, no.3, pp.107-128, 2019-11-10

This article examines the law and litigation system of Muromachi Shogunate in the Sengoku period. The focus is centered on the Eishō era(1504-1521)when Yoshitane Ashikaga(the 10th shogun of Muromachi Shogunate)administered it. The previous studies found out the proceedings of Suit by the shogun and the members of his staff, but the whole of the legal proceedings mainly proceeded by bugyonin who were well versed in legislation and precedents has been unraveled. According to the review of historical materials on the history of law system, during the Eishō era Yoshitane Ashikaga made an effort to improve the legal proceedings from pendency to judgment, established law code which was used as sources of law, and aimed to give orders to peasants as well as ruling class to comply with the judgment. Therefore, his administration is an important turning point in the the legal history of Muromachi Shogunate.
伊藤 克彦
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.15, no.1, pp.423-474, 2016-03

Normative concepts are said to lead to controversial discussions and involve indefinite and valuable elements, unlike other concepts. Although we have to elucidate these concepts (such as justice, equality, and freedom) in the philosophy of law, we do not know how to discuss these matters rationally. In order to solve this problem, legal philosophers, especially those in Japan, have widely accepted the distinction between concept and conception used by John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin. If this distinction applies to the concept of justice, it leads to problems with theories of justice and with the methodology of these theories. Additionally, if this applies to the concept of law, it is connected with problems of jurisprudence. I doubt this distinction is appropriate for addressing these problems. Before extending my argument from this doubt, in this paper, I pay attention to the idea of the "Essentially contested concept," which was introduced by W. B. Gallie in 1956. Many people consider the idea that an "essentially contested concept" has a strong influence on the distinction between concepts and conceptions and often discuss the two of them together. Certainly, these ideas commonly emphasize the contestability of normative concepts. However, rather than the distinction between concept and conception, the seven criteria of the "Essentially contested concept" is complicated, and Gallie also emphasizes the historical influence of the normative concept. In this paper, I examine the issue of the normative concept itself over the discussions of two ideas together. Firstly, I summarize the idea that we divide normative concepts into two elements, and also explain Gallie's original idea of the "essentially contested concept." Secondly, I point out that Jeremy Waldron and Kenneth Ehrenberg apply Gallie's criteria to examples such as the "rule of law" and "law" itself. Thirdly, I consider the problem of both Gallie's idea and the distinction of concept and conception through Christine Swanton's critique. Finally, I conclude that it is difficult to preserve the coherency of the distinction of concept and conception, and if this distinction were collapsed, our discussions about normative concept would not lead to relativism and skepticism. Finally, I introduce David Wiggin's position of "Sensible subjectivism" and present a model of value judgment after the collapse of the distinction of concept and conception.
渡辺 理仁
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.20, no.2, pp.299-333, 2021-07-10

In the Byzantine Empire, Roman law had been applied prior to its rediscovery in the twelfth century. However, it is sometimes pointed out that Byzantine law deviate from Corpus Iuris Civilis. The eighth century small code Ecloga is a typical example of that. This begs the question of whether it is appropriate to position Byzantine law definitely in terms of continuity with Roman law or not. In this paper, I provide an overview of Ecloga and examine its divergence from the Principles in Roman Law that have been identified in previous studies. I then translate the related materials and compare the provisions in the Corpus Iuris Civilis and Ecloga, examining the differences between them and presenting some conclusions.
森村 進
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.6, no.3, pp.1153-1178, 2007-11
長谷川 隼人
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.15, no.1, pp.253-272, 2016-03

This article aims to elucidate the economic revitalization ideas of Nobusuke Kishi and review the political implication of the Japan Reconstruction League (Nihon Saiken Renmei, JRL). Kishi's basic economic revitalization vision was identical to that of the Yoshida administration. However, Kishi took a critical attitude toward the economic policy of the Yoshida administration. Prime Minister Yoshida and the Liberal Party (LP)placed a high value on the market economy. In contrast with PM Yoshida, Kishi insisted that the government must embrace socialistic policy for economic revitalization. Therefore, he sympathized closely with the Rightist Socialist Party of Japan (RJSP) and the left wing in the Reform Party (Kaishinto, RP). For that reason, Kishi and the JRL sought to create a new party dominated by the RJSP and RP to execute his economic view. They expected Mamoru Shigemitsu to assume the position of new party leader. However, the RJSP rejected the forging of a bipartisan coalition in order to avoid intraparty conflict and Mr. Shigemitsu assumed the position of RP leader. Thus the JRL's political plan was eventually aborted. In the aftermath, Kishi switched his political plan to change the LP, which tried to create the Progressive conservative party in order to execute his economic revitalization plan. Kishi used the constitutional revision agenda to galvanize conservative politicians.
森 勇斗
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.20, no.1, pp.409-447, 2021-03-10

In Japan, the Civil Code has been amended. Some articles, however, have lost their theological foundation; the law of mistake, Art. 95 JCC is one of them. Therefore, this paper aims to find such theological foundation from how the law has risk allocation of error(mistake)in Japan; by comparing some legal systems, this paper tries to reposition Japanese law between some approaches to the law of mistake(error). This paper considers three approaches to the law of error(mistake): the German BGB and French CC as examples of traditional civil law(error approach*), English law as a example of traditional common law(mistake approach*), and South African law, Scots law and the Netherlands BW as examples of the "Mixed Legal System"(error-mistakes approach*). I believe, such a method enables a fictional "control experiment" in legal science. Through this approach, finally, I attempt to clarify the structure of JCC's law of mistake or error. *These classifications are based on my article "Reform and Revision of the Law of Error(Mistake)and the Codification of Innocent Misrepresentation in Japanese Civil Code(1)" Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Science Vol. 43(2-3-4), pp. 1-14 and,(2) Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Science Vol. 44(1), pp. 1-16.
坂井 大輔
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.15, no.1, pp.141-162, 2016-03

In diesem Aufsatz wird der Einfluss Rudolph Sohms auf die Rechtslehre von Hozumi Yatsuka (1860-1912) untersucht. Während seines Auslandsstudiums (1884-1888) studierte Yatsuka Rechtswissenschaften hauptsächlich an der Universität Straßburg, an der damals unter anderem Paul Laband und Rudolph Sohm lehrten. Bisher wurde nur der Einfluss der Verfassungsrechtslehre Labands auf Yatsukas Rechtslehre beachtet. Das ist zwar ein wichtiger Punkt, da Yatsuka der erste Professor für Verfassungsrecht in Japan war. Dennoch ist es zudem notwendig, auf den Einfluss Sohms auf die „öffentlichen Rechtslehre" von Hozumi Yatsuka aufmerksam zu machen. Yatsukas Lehre war nämlich nicht allein eine Verfassungsrechtslehre, sondern umfasste auch Staats- und Sittlichkeitsgedanken. Yatsukas Staats- und Sittlichkeitsgedanken wurden bisher als eine Art Kopie der japanischen traditionellen Denkweise angesehen. Jedoch ist meines Erachtens nach Yatsukas „traditionelle" Denkweise, die durch Begriffe wie kokutai (Reichsidee) oder chūkō (Loyalität und Pietät) geprägt ist, eine Art praktische Umsetzung der Staatstheorie zu Japan von Sohms.
長谷川 隼人
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.14, no.3, pp.1017-1042, 2015-11

This article aims to elucidate the economic revitalization ideas of Nobusuke Kishi and review the political implication of the Japan Reconstruction League (Nihon Saiken Renmei, JRL) . Kishi's basic economic revitalization vision was identical to that of the Yoshida administration. However, Kishi took a critical attitude toward the economic policy of the Yoshida administration. Prime Minister Yoshida and the Liberal Party (LP) placed a high value on the market economy. In contrast with PM Yoshida, Kishi insisted that the government must embrace socialistic policy for economic revitalization. Therefore, he sympathized closely with the Rightist Socialist Party of Japan (RJSP) and the left wing in the Reform Party (Kaishinto, RP) . For that reason, Kishi and the JRL sought to create a new party dominated by the RJSP and RP to execute his economic view. They expected Mamoru Shigemitsu to assume the position of new party leader. However, the RJSP rejected the forging of a bipartisan coalition in order to avoid intraparty conflict and Mr. Shigemitsu assumed the position of RP leader. Thus the JRL's political plan was eventually aborted. In the aftermath, Kishi switched his political plan to change the LP, which tried to create the Progressive conservative party in order to execute his economic revitalization plan. Kishi used the constitutional revision agenda to galvanize conservative politicians.