鈴木 敦士 山本 幸弘 原 節子
成蹊大学理工学研究報告 (ISSN:18802265)
vol.48, no.2, pp.1-8, 2011-12

The inhibitory effects of polyphenols ontained in plants extracts such as a rooibos tea extract(RTE) and a green tea extract(GTE) on digestive enzymes such as porcine pancreatic lipaseand a-amylase were investigated in the present work, since those polyphenols are expected to havevarious physiological activities. In addition, quercetin(Qu) and rutin(Ru) which are main constituents of RTE, and epigalocatechingallate(EGCG) and epigalocatechin(EGC) which are main constituents of GTE were evaluated to clarify the relation between the inhibitory effect and the structure of polyphenols.As results, it was found that GTE showed strong inhibitory effect for the lipase,and RTE gave the effect for amylase.The correlation between the chemical structures of plant polyphenols and inhibitory effects for the lipase and a-amylase wa ssuggested.
藤原 均 三好 勉信 陣 英克
成蹊大学理工学研究報告 (ISSN:18802265)
vol.48, no.2, pp.89-94, 2011-12

In order to under stand complete pictures of the energy, momentum, and molecular transfer in the atmospheric regions, dynamical features of the whole atmosphere, and near space environment, we have developed a new general circulation model(GCM) which covers all the atmospheric regions. Numerical simulations with this GCM have shown new aspects of the upper atmosphere: e.g., wavy structures and day-to-day variations of the thermosphere, generation and propagation of disturbances in the polar thermosphere due to the auroral activity. We report on some simulation results, possibility of space weather prediction, and some ongoing projects for studying the Earth' and space environments.