田口 哲也 村木 貴俊 タグチ テツヤ ムラキ タカトシ Taguchi Tetsuya Muraki Takatoshi
文化情報学 = Journal of culture and information science (ISSN:18808603)
vol.6, no.1, pp.31-37, 2011-03-10

資料紹介 文化情報学部はこのたびカリフォルニア州立大学サンディエゴ校名誉教授の故マサオ・ミヨシ博士より教授がその生涯をかけて収集した貴重な蔵書の提供を受けた。文化情報学部では比較文化研究室を中心に蔵書を整理分類し、蔵書はその大部分が文献室に所蔵されることになった。本稿では、この蔵書が同志社大学に収蔵されることになるまでの経緯とミヨシ・マサオ氏の波乱万丈な生涯を略述し、さらには20世紀後半から停滞した旧来の批評や学問を徹底的に批判し、あらたな学問領域を創生しようとしたミヨシの思想の根幹を紹介した。次号においては蔵書の中味について具体的に解説していく予定である。 The Faculty of Culture and Information Science received a collection of books from the late Masao Miyoshi, Professor Emeritus of the University of California, San Diego. The collection mainly consists of theoretical and critical books that Miyoshi collected over his life time. The books were directly shipped to the Faculty and no one except his immediate family has handled them since his death as they were all stored in his study in Del Mar, California. The Research Lab of Comparative Cultural Studies was the main force in the examining, selecting, and sorting out of all the books in the Masao Miyoshi Bunko (Collection). The collection is of critical importance for the Faculty because Miyoshi reached such a high level of critical and theoretical consciousness that he was able to envision interdisciplinary scholarship in the true sense of the word. In this article we start with a short biography of Miyoshi and discuss what his aims were and what we can learn from him. In the follow-up article, we will give a more detailed account of the contents and significance of the Miyoshi Masao Bunko.


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