川添 康司 高橋 由雅
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第24回情報化学討論会
pp.J17, 2001 (Released:2001-10-24)

We have investigated the audification of molecular information. The musical note information consists of a tone, a velocity and a type of a musical note. The sequence of this musical note information forms a musical score. In the present work, we have developed a computer program for the audification of gene. The DNA nucleotide sequence of a gene was employed for the audification. The program assigns the musical note information to each nucleotide using the transformation algorithm and then outputs the MIDI sequence as the musical score for a MIDI device. Several transformation algorithms were investigated as follows: (1) the simple mapping method that assigns notes to the DNA bases. (2) The unique mapping method that assigns the note information with the base usage on the sequence. (3) The musical-theory-based mapping method that is based on the musical theory to get a better musical score. For the third method, mapping the chord to the codon to form the bass line was employed too. It was observed that it is possible to get some advanced transformation from the DNA sequence to the musical score using the information derived from the base array.
鈴木 一郎 土屋 優子 重永 章 根本 尚夫 中馬 寛 渋谷 雅之
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第24回情報化学討論会
pp.J30, 2001 (Released:2001-10-24)

Recently we have developed several enediyne model compounds which posses DNA damaging abilities. In the course of our studies, we often encountered the loss of the DNA damaging abilities of these models in buffer solutions, while the cycloaromatization reaction of them were proceeded via biradical pathway in non-polar media. To overcom this problem, we designed enediyne model compounds which have an electron-withdrawing group on the benzylic radical forming centers (p-radical center).These models cycloaromatized to gave products derived from the biradical, not the zwitterion, in both polar and non-polar media and showed potent DNA cleaving ability. Intuitively, the effect of introducing electron-withdrawing groups may be rationalized that a p-acceptor group destabilizes the benzylic cation to diminish the contribution of the zwitterionic mesomer and therefore enhance the radical character. In this paper, we report the theoretical aspects of this type of bieadicals in detail.