土井 冬樹
ニュージーランド研究 (ISSN:18815197)
vol.29, pp.7-22, 2023 (Released:2023-11-27)

Māori haka is widely known as a war dance or a war cry, partly because of how it is performed by the All Blacks, the national rugby team of New Zealand, before each game of rugby. This paper examined how haka is and was presented to the public in the past and present. During World Wars I and II, the haka performance was designed to convey the message that “Māori is the warrior” to encourage Māori to serve as soldiers, so they could gain equal rights as mainstream New Zealanders or Pākehā. After World War II, Māori people started indigenous movements that allowed Māori people to realise or reaffirm that the words of the haka and the history of the haka are significant. Therefore, these days, Māori people have a tendency to criticise non-Māori performing haka because they believe non-Māori do not appropriately represent Māori tribal history and ancestors. In this way, we can observe the shift of emphasis on the value of performing haka from one of display of masculinity to one of cultural importance.
Glenn R. SUMMERHAYES 早川 理恵子
The New Zealand Studies Society-Japan
ニュージーランド研究 (ISSN:18815197)
vol.29, pp.1-6, 2023 (Released:2023-11-27)

オタゴ地域の教育制度は、ニュージーランドで最も古い大学や南半球で最初の女子校の設立など長い歴史を持っている。これらの教育制度は初期のスコットランド人入植者がもたらした教育理念に大きく負っている。スコットランドの教育は中世まで遡り、1496年ジェームズ4世の時代に世界で初めて教育が義務化された。宗教改革と啓蒙主義の影響を受けた教育観はノックスの『第一規律の書』やアダム・スミスの『国富論』に確認できる。1861年オタゴ地域で金が発見されたことで、小さな地方都市ダニーデンは裕福な都市になった 。スコットランドにルーツを持つ女性運動家や政治家そして商売人は自由教会の理念である教育を優先し、1863年にオタゴ男子高校、1869年にニュージーランド最古の大学であるオタゴ大学、1871年にオタゴ女子高校、1871年にタイエリ高校が設立された。
川本 明人
ニュージーランド研究 (ISSN:18815197)
vol.28, pp.1-14, 2022 (Released:2023-11-29)

New Zealand is the country where the people prefer cashless payments by using debit or EFTPOS card, credit card and online or internet banking. Most popular method by New Zealanders is EFTPOS payment which accounted for 56 per cent in 2020. The number who prefer to use cash is going down to ten per cent or less. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has launched the programme on the future of cash system and published some reports and reviews. The Bank has taken into account the public benefits of cash use, but at the same time indicated the increasing costs for maintaining the cash system. COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of cashless payments and increased the use of contactless method which need not to make physical contact with shared devices. So, cash is used less and less as the COVID-19 pandemic spread. However, the survey of the Research New Zealand said that about 70 per cent of the population used cash as one of the payment ways for everyday things in 2020. Moreover, there is the fact that the amount of cash in circulation keeps going up in the last ten years in New Zealand. The people in New Zealand have probably demanded some amount of cash in case the unexpected occurs. The evolvement of cashless society in New Zealand could affect some people who do not have access to digital payment mechanisms. As a result, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand should keep considering the need for preserving access to cash as well as improving digital financial inclusion.