vol.66, no.1, 1957-01-15

Senbutudoiulus gen. nov. (Blaniulidae) Diese neue Gattung unterscheidet sich klar von der verwandten Gattung (Skleroprotopus) durch die folgenden Diagnosen : 1. Beinpaar des Mannchens ist sehr gross, gerade, plattgedruckt und gestaltet sich ungefahr gleichbreit von Coxa bis Tibiopostfemur, und dessen tarsus dreieckig und Kralle nicht vorhande. 2. Beinpaar des Mannchens ist normal, aber etwas plattgedruckt und die Kralle gut entwickelt. Mandibel mit uber 6 Lamellen. Promentum gross und land-eiformig. Die anderen allgemeinen Merkmale ahneln sich sehr dem Skleroprotopus. Genotypus : Senbutudoiulus platypodus MIYOSI 1. Senbutudoilus platypodus sp. nov. Mannchen ca. 50 mm land, und ca. 60 Rumpfsegmente. Farbe braunlichshwarz, etwas marmoriert. Hinterrand des Metazonites braunlichgelb. Die Poren der Wehrdrusen klein, aber sichtbar. 1. Beinpaar des Mannchens funfgliedrig, die Vorderseite all dieser Glieder dicht beborstet und Hinterseite ein wenig beborstet. 2. Beinpaar des Mannchens normal, aber die Vorderseite all dieser Glieder dicht beborstet und die Hinterseite ein wenig beborstet. Beide Hufte lang und vereinigen sich nicht zusammen. Prafemur mit vielen, langen Borsten. Penis lang und uber Prafemur hinausrgend. 7. Beinpaar und Gonopoden wie sie sich in Abb. 2 zeige. Holotype : Mannchen, ca. 51 nm lang, und 62 Rumpfsegmente. Fundort : Senbutu-Do Hohle, bei KOKURA-SI, FUKUOKA-KEN. 2.Archandrodesmus japonicus sp. nov. (Cryptodesminae) Diese neue Art hat einige Ahnlichkeit mit Archandrodesmus areatus CARL, aber ist folgendermassen zu charakterisieren : 3. Skleroprotopus osedoensis sp nov. (Blaniulidae) Ocellen schwarzlich, in ungefahr gleichseitigen dreieckigen Haufen gestalt. 1. Beinpaar des Mannchens sehr gross, die Coxite stossen in der Mediane zusammen, und der grosste Teil davon verwachst, ausserdem die Innenschulter dicht beborstet. Telopodit besteht aus einem sehr kurzen Prafemur und Femur. Tibiopostfemur lang und platt, und dadurch das Tarsus starker zuruckgebogen. 2. Beinpaar des Mannchens sehr verkleinert, aber trapezoidformige Huften gross und so lang wie Telopodit, und Huften nur ca. 1/4 distal getrennt. 7. Bein des Mannchens umgewandelt, sehr gross, aber mit sehr kleinem, nahe ber Basis eingelenktem Telopodit, das einige langen Borsten hat. Coxalfortsatz des vorderen Gonopods sehr schlank und mit zwei Borsten an dee Mitte. Die Flagella am Ende in zwei, gleichlangen Aste gegabelt, von denen der eine bestachelt. Holotype : Mannchen, ca. 50 mm lang, und 64 Rumpfsegmente. Fundort : Osedo Hohle, KAMISE-MURA, KUMAMOTO-KEN.
vol.61, no.11, 1952-11-15

1.Epanerchodus triramus n. sp. (Polydesmidae) Korperlange 18-20mm, Breite ca 1.8mm. Farbe schmutzigrot, doch Kopf, Bauche und Beine hell gelblich. 2.-19. Tergiten zeigen deutliche Skulpturen. Gonopoden: Prafemurofemurabschnitt gross, etwa Handtrommelformig und die Aussenseite des Femurabschnitts tragt mehrere langere Borsten. Nebenfortsatz (n) an der Basis des Tibiotarsus ist klein und Femoralfortsatz (f) grosser sls Nebenfortsatz. Beide Kralleformig und aussererst danieder liegend. Haarpolster deutlich. Tibiotarsus gross entwickelt und teilt sich in der Mitte in 3 Aste. 1.Ast derselben ist sich stark gekrummt. Diese Diagnosen unterscheidet E. triramus n. sp. klar von den ubrigen bekannten Arten derselben Gattung. Fundort: Yosifuzi-Mura (Ehime-Ken). 2.Leucodesminus melancholicus n. sp. (Cryptodesmidae) Farbe dunkelbraun oder aschenfarbig (gereiftes Individuum), Larve weisslich im Leben. Lange 13-14mm, Breite 3.5-4mm. Kopf ganz vom Halsschild bedeckt. Seitenflugel sehr breit, dessen Seiten-und Hinterrand durch runde Buchten in viele Lappen geteilt. Metazoniten dorsal, mit 3-4 unregelmassigen Reihen von den die Borste tragenden Tuberkeln. Gonopoden: Huffe gross und kugelig. Femur massig lang, etwas gebogen und distal in 3 grosse lamellose Aste geteilt, der crste, sichelformig, basalwarts gebogen, der zweite sehr breit, mit 3 spitzigem Lappen (Fig2. A, 2), der dritte am Ende zweigeteilt, d. i. spannerformig. Der Basalrand des 1. Astes hat viele merkliche Zahnchen (z). Ausserdem befindet sich ein Rinnenast (sar) zwischen 2. und 3. Aste. Fundort: Saraga-Mine (Ehime-Ken).
谷津 直秀
vol.28, no.334, 1916
vol.59, no.12, 1950-12-15

The larvae of R. fugax, hatched out of eggs collected in the field, were reared in our laboratory for two generations (1947-'48), to observe their life history and hibernation. A. The life history. The periods of each larval instar, pupae and embryo were not always constant as they were controlled under the conditions of that year. For instance, the period of the larval life is variable in the limit of 77-78 days, the pupa in 108-124 days and the embryo in 160-165 days respectively. The worms reared in the laboratoy were always healthy but not as good as those in the field. Especially, the adults which emerged in the room were almost unable to open their wings enough, and to mate with each other, unless the pupae were sometimes subjected to moist conditions. It is of most interest that the full-grown larva utters a small curious sound whenever the anterior segments of its body are suddenly bended. This is one of characteristics of the species. B. Embryonic hibernation. This species takes pupal estivation for over three months in the autumn as well as embryonic hibernation in the winter months. The type of embryonic hibernation seemed to be ong to the fourth group which is one of the five hibernating proups in insects which were classified by the present author ('46). In general, the eggs of this fourth group are used to show the non-diapause type, passing the winter months with the stage of appendage formation, so-called the half-development stage. Therefore, eggs belonging to this type should hatch in a short period under the incubation of the suitable temperature of 25℃ (ses the author's report of 1946). C. The number of larval segments of insects. In the larva of this species, there will be seen thirteen pairs of small spherical processes of 0.5mm in diameter on each segment along the lateral side of the larva with greenish yellow on the dorsal and with dark green on the ventral. These processes are very beautiful and are of a brilliant light indigo colour. Thus, the presence of these processes proves that there are thirteen segments in the larva (fig. 1) under the naked eye. Now, Tanaka ('28) has once suggested theoretically that the number of segments of the insect larva may be fourteen from the viewpoint of morphological observations on the segments of the silkworm embryo (see fig. 2). Recently, Fukuda (50) found a mutant of the silkworm which has two pairs of spiracles in the last two abdominal segmets in which no spiracles are formed in the normal state, and then he pointed out three segment in this region but they were not clear (see fig. 3) and he insisted that the number of segments in the larva must be fourteen in number, as Tanaka inferred. As the present author has already reported ('26), the number of the segments of insect larva must be decided from the results of morphological observations on the metamorphosis of male genitalia, according to the transplantation or the extirpation of the imaginal disc of the Herold's organ from which a genitalia forms from these experimental results, the author has pointed out that the scaphium (sternite) uncus (tergite) and their extending chitinous plates are respectively transformed from the thirteenth segment. If Fuk da's statment is true, as mentioned above, it will be thought to be theoretically demonstrated by the following discussion. The scaphium and the uncus are transformed from the fourteenth segment, while their extended chitinous plates from the thirteenth. The problem in the connection, however, must be resolved again by more embryological investigations in the future.
上野 益三
vol.42, no.498, pp.152-155, 1930
vol.43(508・509・510), 1931-03-15
vol.47, no.559, 1935-05-15
vol.81, no.4, 1972-12-15
高島 春雄
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.56, no.1, pp.74-75, 1944-03-15
加藤 正世
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.42, no.502, pp.281-306, 1930-08-15
vol.70, no.10, 1961-10-15

1. The mating behavior of newts collected from 7 localities of Japan was observed in detail with the purpose of studying the mechanisms of the sexual isolation among them. 2. Kagoshima, Hiroshima, Niigata, and Aomori newts are very similar to one another in the mating behavior. Males of Sasayama and Atsumi newtssomewhat differ from those of other localities in the courtship behavior. The mating behavior of Atsumi newts it always performed in the dark. 3. Females of kanto newts answer the courtship of males with either of the two kinds of consent signs, that is, biting or pushing action against the lateral side of the nack ofa male. The biting sign is very frequently used by females of Kanto newts, while it is scarcely found among females from other localities. This kind of sign given by females of Kanto newts is hardly recognized by any males other than thoseof Kanto. 4. Females of Kanto newts give a sign by biting action or touch against the lateral sides of the tails of males when they accompany the males. However, the biting sign given by the females is also hardly recognized by any male newts other than those of Kanto. Accodingly acceptance of sperm masses by females scarcely occur when females of Kanto Newts are in company with males of newts from other localities. 5. From these observations, difference in mating behavior seems to be an important cause of the sexual isolation found between different local races of the Japanese newts.