川那部 浩哉 森 主一 水野 信彦
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.7, no.1, pp.22-26, 1957-05-31 (Released:2017-04-08)

A dense population of a salmon-like fish, Plecoglossus altivelis, or Ayu in Japanese, is found in the River Ukawa in the north-western part of Kyoto Prefecture. We have been studying the ecology of this fish from various viewpoints since 1955. This report concerns the change of the modes of utilizing the river-pools, which we observed during the course of our study. As we have already reported (KAWANABE, MIYADI, MORI, HARADA and OHGUSHI, 1956), there can be distinguished two kinds in the life of Ayu in pools, which are related to the topographical characteristics of the river-pools as well as to their adjoining riffles, i.e., using the pools as both feeding and resting places or as shelters only. By our recent observation it was discovered that the modes practically taken by Ayu might be changed according to population density. The population of Ayu by our estimation in 1956 was far less than that of 1955 (about one-sixth). The decrease in population in 1956 was far greater in the river-pools (about one-tenth of 1955) than in the riffles (about one-fourth of 1955). In 1956,when the density of Ayu in the river was low, the pools were utilized chiefly as shefters or resting places in the night-time, and the fish used to take their foods in the daytime in the adjoining riffles, where they could find better and richer food materials in the form of algae attached to stones than, in the pools. On the contrary, in 1955,when the density was high, the pools were utilized as feeding places as in the case of the riffles ; so, some individuals were found staying and feeding there both in the daytime and at night.
森 主一
vol.50, no.1, pp.1-12, 1938

1. Donax semignosus DUNKER (Fig. 1), a mussel living at the sandy beach of the sea, manifests a characteristic tidal rhythmic migration. The observation of this rhythmic migration and the experimental analysis of the behaviour at the flood tide were performed at the coast of Okinosu in Tokusima-Si (Fig. 2), during late August and early September in 1937. 2. This animal lives beneath the sand of the beach washed by the waves (Fig. 11 and 12), and at the flood tide it makes shoreward migration inn accord with the rising of the surface of the sea, and at the ebb tide offshore retreat with the lowering of the sea level. The animal thus shows up-and-down movements synchronus with those of the tides. The distance of the migration was 3-6m at the neap tide, but at the spring tide it was often over 30m (Table 1, Figs. 3 and 4). 3. The method of the migration is characteristic. At the flood tide, the mussels lurked beneath the sand suddenly jump out to the surface of the sand just in front of the top of the surf (this motion requires 0.5-1.5 sec.) to be carried shoreward by it and then quickly insure the supporting point by inserting the foot into the sand so as not to be carried back again by the retreating current, nad in the next moment they disappear beneath the sand with quickly repeating motions of the foot (this movement requires 3-6 sec.). By repeating these movements the animals can perform the migration towards the higher parts of the beach (Figs. 5 and 6). On the contrary, at the ebb tide, they suddenly jump out to the surface when the lapped wave just begins to retreat to find themselves in the next moment at the lower parts of the shore, and then burrowing into the sand, disappear from the surface. By repeating these movements the mussels can accomplish the migration towards the lower parts of the shore (Fig. 6). 4. By several experiments and observations, it was proved that the jumping-out behaviout in front of the top of the surf at the flood tide was due to the shock or the vibration of the sand given by the wave when it beats the shore (Figs. 7-10). 5. This migrating behaviour seems to be concerned with food habit of the mussel. It feeds on minute living organisms at the beach and it is convenient for the animal to remain throughout the day at the beach where sand grains and consequently many minute organisms attached to them are always stirred by lapping waves. 6. The wedge-shaped triangular shell and the arrow-headed foot are all well adapted to execute the migration which needs the quick motion of the animal (Fig. 13). Accessory notes: 7. A king of the crab, Remipes truncatifrons MIERS (Fig. 14), which lives abundantly at the same beach mentioned above, shows up-and-down movements synchronous with those of the tides. The quick motion of this animal remembers that of the said mussel.
森 主一
The Genetics Society of Japan
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.24, no.5, pp.150-156, 1949

1. キイロショウジョウバイとクロショウジョウバイの羽化日週期の状態はかなり違う。一般に前者は後者に比べて羽化曲線がなだらかである。特に5-8時に羽化するものは, 前者では全数の20-30%であるのに, 後者では50%以上に及ぶ。<br>2. クロショウジョウバイの純野生種 (<i>red</i>) の羽化週期状態と, 突然変異品種 <i>w</i> のそれとは大きい違はないが <i>st</i> とはかなり違う。即ち11-14時に羽化するものが, <i>red</i> で12%位であるのに, <i>st</i> は20%以上に及ぶ。<i>red×st, st×w</i> の交雜実驗を行うと, この <i>st</i> に見られる性質は, その眼色に対する表現に伴つて野生型に対し劣性的に行動する。<br>3. キイロショウジョウバイでは純野生種, <i>w, st, dp, vg</i> の間には差を発見しがたい。しかし <i>se</i> との間にはかなりの差がある。即ち2-5時に羽化するものが, <i>se</i> では野生種に比べて著しく少なく, 8-11時, 11-14時に羽化するものがかなり多い。この性質は, 外部形態発現因子としての <i>se</i> が劣性であるに拘らず, 野生種に対し多分に優性的に行動するという著しい特徴である。