福間 彰 駅田 省吾
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05869943)
no.14, pp.17-28, 1980-12-25

1971年末に現れた最初のマイクロコンピュータMCS・4以後約10年,各界に与えたマイクロコンピュータの衝撃は大きく,研究室を含む各職域へのパーソナルコンピュータの進出が著しい昨今である。計算機を利用する立場からいえぱ,べ一シックのような言語を理解し,ソフトウエアを学習するだけでも十分に広い分野での活用が期待できる。しかしながら,ひとたび自らの手でマイコンシステムの拡充や新しい周辺機器の接続等を考えた場合,インタフェースなどハードに関する基本的知識が必要となってくる。 一方,電子計算機の教科書には,基本的計算機の機能が記述されてはいるが,初心者が計算機の基本を真に理解するには机上の学習のみでなく体験学習が大切であり,理論と実際を結び付ける装置が必要となってくる。 また,マイクロプロセッサから出発したマイコン学習装置は種々市販もされているが,CPUの中身にまで踏込んだより基本的な学習教材は少ないようである。 ここでは後者の立場に立ち,現在,国民一般のものとなってきたコンピュータのしくみを,ハードの面からも理解できるよう,富崎新氏のATOM−8を起点とし,より広い用途に供しうるよう拡張した基本的計算機を設計製作したのでこれについて報告する。
野村 律夫
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05869943)
vol.18, pp.21-23, 1984-12-25

Six taxa of cassidulinid foraminifera were obtained from the Seoguipo Formation, Jeju Island, Korea. The cassidulinid assemblage is characterized by the abundant occurrence of Cassidulina norvartgi Thalmann, and in spite of small numbers of individuals it contains a few Pacific forms such as Paracassidulina minuta (Cushman) and Globocassidulina venustas Nomura. Such an assemblage is considered to be transitional between the Japan Sea and the Pacific Provinces.
瀬戸 武司
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05869943)
vol.29, pp.1-29, 1995-12

Amphibian animals belonging to order Anura were listed 23 families, 302 genera and 3512 species (Frost 1985). In the whole amphibian species about 87% are anurans which distribute all over the world except the arctic and antarctic regions. Karyological studies have been accelerated in a couple of decades by the development of sophisticated techniques in anuran cytogenetics.13; The present paper prepared for overviewing the modern karyological studies for considering the karyoevolution in frogs and toads, as well as the systematic relations among families and genera.13; Duellman and Trueb (1986) described on hypothesized phylogenetic relationsips of 22 families of anurans including Palaeobatrachidae. They grouped these families into 7 branches on the cladgram based on analyzing 16 characters according to osteological, anatomical and behavioral evidences. These are as follows: 1) Leiopelmatidae and Discoglossidae, 2) Rhinophrynidae and Papidae, 3) Pelobatidae and Pelodytidae, 4) Myobatrachidae, Heleophrynidae, and Sooglossidae, 5) Leptodactylidae, Bufonidae, Brachycephalidae, Rhinodermatidae, Pseudidae , Hylidae, and Centrolenidae, 6) Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Hyperoliidae and Rhacophoridae, and 7) Microhylidae. Although ambiguous premise remains on the cladgram as they mentioned, I am describing the article following their grouping of 21 families of living frogs and toads.13; The present paper concerns the karyological evidence of 11 families placed in the groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and two families of the group 5, as the first half part of the article on anuran karyoevolution.
山田 悟資 角替 敏昭
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05869943)
vol.32, pp.15-27, 1998-12-01

The Zimbabwe Craton, which is a typical Archean granite-greenstone terrane, contains two different types of granitoids ; older gneiss (3500~3000 Ma) and younger granite (2900~2600 Ma). This study focused on morphological characteristics of zircons in the older gneiss and the younger granite to understand mineralogical and petrological differences between the two granitoids.13; All samples examined in this study have two types of zircon. One is an elongated, fine-grained, and euhedral zircon (Type-A). The younger granite contains many Type-A zircons without any resorption texture, because the granitoid did not suffer later metamorphism and/or partial melting. The other type is a coarse-grained zircon with overgrowth texture around older core (Type-B). This type is abundant in the older gneiss. For example, sample ZC10A, which is a typical older gneiss, contains many Type-B zircons. We considered that the core of the zircons was formed during crystallization stage of the protolith of the older gneiss. The rock was then metamorphosed and/or partly molten and formed overgrowth texture. Presence of both euhedral and anhedral zircons in one specimen may imply that euhedral zircons were included in earlier-stage minerals(ex.biotite) before the last stage of metamorphism and/or melting.13; The younger granite contains Type-B zircons smilar to the older gneiss, although their amomt is little. We thus regard the origin of the younger granite as a partial melting of the older granite. Some zircons of the older gneiss have thus survived during later thermal event and now present in the younger granite.