江良 智美
帝京平成大学紀要 = Journal of Teikyo Heisei University (ISSN:13415182)
vol.32, pp.27-34, 2021-03

Let's Go Young , which held a prominent place in the history of popular music from the 1970s to the 1980s, provides a valuable record for learning about the trends of the times, from the clothing worn by the different weekly guest performers, hosts, and regular performers, and from their communication with the audience. The relationship between fashion and music in television media runs deep, and it could be argued that fashionable outfits on teen-oriented programs led to an understanding of the reception of new music. This study analyzes the expression methods in the presentation of foreign music as cultural knowledge on the third season of Let's Go Young , focusing on the stylistic expression demonstrated by the performers' outfits.
米川 和雄
帝京平成大学紀要 = Journal of Teikyo Heisei University (ISSN:13415182)
vol.25, pp.79-86, 2014-03

The purpose of this study is to clarify the situation of school social worker (SSWr) assignment in the boards of education in Tokyo. As a result, cooperation was obtained from 35 municipalities for the survey; I reported on 36 municipalities through adding some of the past survey results for 1 municipality. (1) SSWr utilization project-related matters: The main part of the business budget framework was <SSWr utilization project in Tokyo (28 municipalities: 77.8%; this project is oriented Tokyo metropolis spending)<. SSWr support was centered on elementary and junior high schools. The assignment form of SSWrs was almost all conducted by dispatching SSWrs upon schools' request. The system of SSWr support was first introduced in 2 wards in Tokyo in 2007, and implemented in 19 cities, 16 wards and 1 town by 2013. Implementation of worker support continued increasing in cities and in wards. Furthermore, approximately 19.4 % of the municipalities were planning to increase SSWr utilization in the future. (2) Employment situation: the number of SSWrs utilized was minimum 1 person, maximum 8 people, and 2.31±1.49 people on the average and standard deviation. As to the ratio of social workers or psychiatric social workers, 61 within 83 SSWrs (73% or more) had the national qualification. On the contrary, workers were neither social workers nor psychiatric social workers in 6 municipalities (16.7%). As for type of employment, approximately a half of the municipalities had employed workers as part-timers, and other types of employment (temporary, consignment, remuneration per activity) accounted for an almost equal proportion each. The average number of work (support) hours of all the workers through the year was 1029.29 (minimum 160 hours, maximum 1536 hours). Converted into an hourly rate, the average wage of all the modes of wage payment (salary, daily wage, hourly wage) was 2,423 yen (minimum 1,466 yen, maximum 5,800 yen). In addition, the total annual number of SSWr support hours per student in each municipality was 0.22 on the average. Furthermore, 18 municipalities (47.2%) provided social insurance (medical insurance & labor insurance & annuity insurance, or only labor insurance), and 21 municipalities (58.3%) provided transportation costs. (3) The presence of a supervisor: 15 municipalities (41.7%) were utilizing supervisors, and the frequency of the use of supervisors varied from 3 times a year to 16 days a month. As seen from the above results, it is conceivable that social action for improvements in SSWr utilization and treatment is required of municipalities with few or non opportunities for SSWrs, and that it is necessary to continue conducting surveys.
山中 脩也 吉岡 剛志 森倉 悠介
帝京平成大学紀要 = Journal of Teikyo Heisei University (ISSN:13415182)
vol.27, pp.85-93, 2016-03

Recently, a personal ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system is useful for everyday life. In the field of education, research and social contribution activities at higher education institutions, the small-scale ICT systems have also been widely used. Here, we introduce an easy-to-use system built by ourselves, and summarize the practices to the fields of the system. In particular, we focus on the following usage. ・Usage as LMS (Learning Management System) in tuition ・Usage for construction of co-editable site ・Usage for student advising in laboratory ・Usage for work-sharing The system has been built in a cloud server (Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)1) provided by Amazon.com) and a CMS (Content Management System) is being used on it. As CMS, we adopted WordPress 3) on Amazon Linux OS provided by "WordPress powered by AMIMOTO< 2). According to W3Techs 4) and Gigazine 5), the share of WordPress reached 25.0% of websites all over the world. There are cases where it is possible to effectively utilize WordPress built on Amazon EC2 in the field of education, research and social contribution activities. If you think that working efficiency in such fields improves by building the small-scale ICT system in this article, we would like to recommend the aggressive introduction to building the system.