河西 宏祐
早稲田大学人間科学研究 (ISSN:09160396)
vol.16, no.1, pp.11-33, 2003-03-31

This research examines the problem of shortening labour hours, which has become a major social problem associated with economic globalisation. The research analyses the relationship between shortening labour hours, management rationalisation and work enthusiasm, using as its research subject 'Company A1 from the private railway industry. As a result of a research investigation, management is establishing and enforcing shortened labour hours through harsh management rationalisation. These shortened labour hours, based on a 'comprehensive five-day week', are being enforced by an overwhelmingly dominant management using the term 'a transformed working hours system' (a total one month of working hours). Consequently, drivers are facing long hours and overcrowded work conditions; there has been a spate of complaints; work enthusiasm has declined remarkably; and the relationship between labour and management in the workplace is in a critical state. The dissatisfaction of workers has been directed at the union executives who agreed to a labour build-up, and tension has increased between the executives and the union members. The executives are searching for a resolution to matters such as the way the schedules are formed and way the agreement is put together. As a result, they are in the process of gradually defusing the labour build-up.