河西 宏祐 松戸 武彦 三宅 明正

1 本研究は, 日本における産業別労働組織が,どのような構造的, 機能的特質をもっているかを, 歴史的, 実態的に解明することを目的とした.2 まず歴史的研究についてみれば, 戦後の主要労働争議に関して, 数多くの文書資料を収集した他, 当時の関係者から証言を収集した. これらを分析, 検討を加えた結果, 次の諸点が明らかとなった.(1)日本では戦後の約10年間, 企業別組合よりも産業別組合が運動思想における主流の位置を占め, 産業別労使関係が主たる労使関係制度を作りだしていた.(2)1955年前後, 主要な産業において大争議が瀕発し, それを契機として産業別組合の解体, そして企業別組合の時代へと推移している. したがって日本において企業別組合が制度として定着するのは, 1955年以降である.3 1955年以降の現在に至る「企業別組合主義」の時代について, 海運, 造船, 私鉄などの各産業の産業別組織について実態調査を行なった結果, 次のことが明らかとなった.(1)これら, 日本の産業構造の中軸を支えてきた各産業においては, 現在においても, 産業別労災組織の影響力がきわめて強い.(2)最近, 労働運動の停滞がいわれる中にあって, これらの産業では, むしろ逆に組合運動の活性化の傾向がみられる.(3)各産業における組合運動の活性化の条件は, 次のものである. <1>産業別組織が産業政策を作成し, 経営者側団体との交渉, 協議を通じて, その実現に成功している. <2>産業別組織が労働条件に関するモデル水準を設定しそのための到達闘争を指導する他, 強力な産業別機能を展開している. <3>産業別組織が労働管理制度を平等原理によって再構成し, その中の人事考課の余地を少なくしている.
河西 宏祐
早稲田大学人間科学研究 (ISSN:09160396)
vol.17, no.1, pp.49-66, 2004-04-01

Recently, as a result of economic globalization, the movement towards deregulation in all sectors has advanced quickly even in Japan. In 1996, the government announced a deregulation policy for the private railway industry, and, on 1 February 2002, the deregulation of the passenger-bus industry took effect. According to the policy, the entry of newcomers into the bus industry, the establishment of lines and the setting of fares were to be liberalized. Based on market economics, the government had, even in the railway industry, rushed into the age of free competition. The private railway industry had five to six years-from the announcement of the government's private railway deregulation policy until the policy was to come into effect-in which to prepare for the advent of this age of free competition. In order to achieve a "reduction in labor costs," the management side carried out a program of severe management rationalization. Major management rationalization took place even at "Company A," which had in 1993, before deregulation, already introduced a "transformed system of working hours" as a pretext for reduced working hours. In "Company A", a "reduction in labor costs" was later pursued, and a program of severe management rationalization was carried out. This included stand-alone profitability based on in-house spin-offs, wage reductions, wage-rise suspensions, reductions in retirement allowances, the abolition of fringe benefits, changes in the salary system (from seniority-based to ability-based wages) and so on. This research brings together several focal points in the period before deregulation (1996-2002), and through survey research empirically examines the evidence of how the management side at the company level, along with the labor unions, dealt with deregulation and, as a result, how management-labour relations changed. In addition, This research also examines the possibilities and limitations of the kind of functions displayed by the labor unions at the company level.
河西 宏祐
早稲田大学人間科学研究 (ISSN:09160396)
vol.16, no.1, pp.11-33, 2003-03-31

This research examines the problem of shortening labour hours, which has become a major social problem associated with economic globalisation. The research analyses the relationship between shortening labour hours, management rationalisation and work enthusiasm, using as its research subject 'Company A1 from the private railway industry. As a result of a research investigation, management is establishing and enforcing shortened labour hours through harsh management rationalisation. These shortened labour hours, based on a 'comprehensive five-day week', are being enforced by an overwhelmingly dominant management using the term 'a transformed working hours system' (a total one month of working hours). Consequently, drivers are facing long hours and overcrowded work conditions; there has been a spate of complaints; work enthusiasm has declined remarkably; and the relationship between labour and management in the workplace is in a critical state. The dissatisfaction of workers has been directed at the union executives who agreed to a labour build-up, and tension has increased between the executives and the union members. The executives are searching for a resolution to matters such as the way the schedules are formed and way the agreement is put together. As a result, they are in the process of gradually defusing the labour build-up.