松山 薫
東北公益文科大学総合研究論集 (ISSN:18806570)
no.1, pp.157-171, 2001

本稿では,都市立地型軍事施設による空間的な影響を包括的に理解するために,1935年から昭和初期における陸軍師団司令部・旅団司令部所在26都市について,1930年代に発行された都市地図上で軍用地の分布状況を調査した.その結果,師団司令部所在都市に立地する軍用地は,歩兵旅団司令部のみが立地する都市に比べて,件数,面積ともに圧倒的に多いことがわかった.また,都市内における軍用地の分布状況は,城址型と郊外型に分類された.これは,軍用地として取得された時期と大きな関係があると考えられる. This paper examines the location and distribution of military land in the 26 cities which has the Army Headquarters of Division or Brigade in the 1930's. The area of military lands were measured on the city maps published in the 1930's. The total area of military lands in the cities which has the Army Headquarters of Division was much larger than that of in the cities which has that of Brigades. The distribution of those lands in each cities was divided into 2 types; the ones located on the former sites of feudal castle and the others in suburban area. These results could contribute the understanding of spatial influences of military location on urbanization processes in the modernizing period of Japan.
阿部 公一
no.17, pp.1-22, 2009-12-20

はじめに 本稿では、「戦後の経済回復期における社会保障構想の展開」について論じていく。題目に「戦後の経済回復期」という表現を用いているが、戦後の経済復興期における前半期および中頃までの期間を想定している。具体的には、終戦直後から1950(昭和25)年までを対象にしている。筆者は、これまでに厚生年金の制度展開について研究してきたが、経済復興期における厚生年金の制度展開と社会保障構想の展開との関係までは、十分に論じることができなかった。今後、厚生年金の制度展開をより探めていく必要から、本稿では、戦後の経済回復期における社会保障構想の展開を考察していく。
境 新一
東北公益文科大学総合研究論集 (ISSN:18806570)
no.8, pp.91-123, 2004

This study argues the changes in the functions of third party allocations from a defense tool to a restructuring measure, by examining lawsuit cases during 20 years from 1984 and 2003. From 1984 to 1993, a majority of lawsuits were regarded as a defense measure by management to protect the companies from being acquired by other companies' purchasing outstanding shares. After the burst of the bubble economy, there was a rapid increase in the number of derivative actions, alleging management responsibility for not pursuing shareholders' interest. Behind these moves, there were significant changes in the Japanese economy and legal frameworks, which, as a consequence, diversified companies' financing methods. Significant changes in the economy include a fall in asset values and deterioration of business performance, followed by restructuring. In the legal framework, there were material revisions in the Commercial Code, which encouraged shareholders to file more derivative suits, diversified capital increase methods and lowered standards for capital increase by venture capitals. Examining lawsuit cases amid these changes reveals the shift of the function of the third party allocation from corporate defense to restructuring to pursuit public interest.