工藤 英美
瀬木学園紀要 = Segigakuen Kiyo
no.11, pp.37-46, 2017

In light of the current situation regarding poverty in Japan, this paper examines how poverty affects child development and how everyday life experiences during infancy should be guaranteed in order to correct the effects of poverty. Currently, Japanese citizens are beginning to become aware that there is an issue in that Japan is a poor society. If the child poverty issue is considered from the viewpoint of child development, social exclusion is considered to be an issue. Important development during infancy is impeded as a result of being unable to participate in society owing to poverty, and being excluded from interactions with others. Poverty measures for children also require economic support for children's everyday lives so that they will not be subjected to social exclusion. As support at childcare centers, etc., relationship building for guardians is necessary in order not to exclude the children's guardians from social networks. This paper also considers the fact that for children, it is important to guarantee development during infancy sufficiently.