近藤 信義
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
vol.4, pp.55-82, 1988-03-20
近藤 信義
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
vol.5, pp.51-85, 1989-03-20
高島 正人
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
no.1, pp.33-78, 1985-03-20
田嶌 和久
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
vol.7, pp.64_a-51_a, 1991-03-20

The primary significance of the so-called "order-problem" seems that this "problem" clarifies the contents of the macro-theory (analysis) of sociology. The purpose of this paper is to show the contents of the "theory of sociology of law" at the macro-theory of sociology through the following analysis : (1) To explain the outline of "oder problem in the modern states" and "justification in modern states". This explanation makes it clear that the shortcomings of Offers' theory. (2) To show the element that distinguishes Schmitts' theory from other sociologists (especially, Habermas, Luhmann, Offe). This element must be the center of the "theory of sociology of law". (3) To examine Schmitts' "theory of law". This examination makes it clear that Schmitts' "theory of law" complements Webers'.
白井 忠功
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
vol.3, pp.71-94, 1987-03-20

Nobutada Konoe (the 8th year of the Eiroku Period : 1565-the 9th year of Keicho Period : 1614) tried to retire the Minister of the Left (Sadaijin) in the 1st year of the Bunroku Period (1592), and go to Korea in obedience to the plan of the dispatch of troops by Hideyoshi Toyotomi. But, for this plan he incurred the Emperor Goyouzei's anger and was exiled to Satsuma, Bounotsu belonged to Kagoshima prefecture in April, the 3rd year of the Bunroku Period (1594). In the midst of this exile he recorded an account of travels to Bounotsu from Kyoto and the life in his miserable exile. I examined and set forth my several opinions about the account of his travels and life with the help of simple account (an sccount of travels in Bounotsu of Nobutada : a separate paragraph) and a detailed description (an account of Sanmyakuin) in this paper.
原田 智
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
no.15, pp.14_a-1_a, 1999-03-25

国際男女バレーボール試合, ワールド・グランド・チャンピオンズカップ大会が, 「25分併用制」のテストマッチとして1997年11月に日本で開催された。男子のチームは多くのセットにおいて25分以内で終了せず, その後のラリーポイント制となりセットを終了していた。それに対して女子のチームは多くのセットにおいて25分以内で終了していた。もし併用制を採用するなら, 女子チームはこの方式で良いとしても, 男子チームは, 「30分併用制」とし, 男子チームと女子チームでは, セットに時間の差があった方が良いと思われた。一方国際審判員の立場からすると, この併用制では, セットを終了するのに複数の要素が含まれており, 単純化した方が良く, サービスポイント制か, ラリーポイント制, のいずれかの方が良いように思えた。今後はラリーポイント制となる可能性が高いと思われた。 At the 1997 international men's & women's volleyball World Grand Champions Cup held last November in Japan, a new scoring system combining the "service point system" and the "set with time limit system (25-timed system)" was tested for the first time. In most of the matches between men's teams, the sets went beyond 25minutes and were continued using the rally point system. In contrast, in the matches between women's teams, the sets usually were finished within 25 minutes. If the combined scoring system is to be introduced, it may be better to set different time limits for the men's and women's teams. The set time limit of 25 minutes would be adequate for women's teams, but an extension of the limit to 30 minutes would probably be more appropriate for the men's teams. However, from the standpoint of the international judges, the combined scoring system could be complicated since several different elements would have to be taken into account to end a set. A more appropriate solution would be to simplify the system by selecting only the service point system or rally point system instead of the combined one. The rally point system seems to be the most suitable for adaptation in the future.
仁木 勝治
立正大学文学部研究紀要 (ISSN:09114378)
no.2, pp.33_a-13_a, 1986-03-20

I deal with the parallelism of the titles and the symbols between The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner in this paper. These works are constructed by the mental pictures of them. In this paper, first, I will examine their titles' meaning as the mental pictures, and then, will examine the fact of both writers having used "shadow, " "light, " "flower" and "weed" as symbols of "death, " "life, " "innocence" and "evil" in two works. As the problem of the symbols, first, I will point out the shadow as a symbol of death. It is associated with Dimmesdale, and can be find even in Hester who is struggling against her fate. This kind of shadow is closely associated with Quentin and even Benjy, too. In the beginning of Chapter two, Quentin is possessed of time as soon as he wakes in the morning, and absorbed in relation with the time and shadows that appear on the curtains, and then, he begins to make preparations for suicide. The shadow and his death present us important association. Second, I will consider about the light that makes a contrast with the shadow is found in the behaviors of Pearl and Benjy. In the forest, when Hester comes nigh on the sunlight, it withdraws itself from her, but it is caught by Pearl. Even in the forest where Hester and Dimmesdale commit a moral sin, Pearl seems to be shining "like a bright-apparelled vision, in a sunbeam." The light is very significant for Benjy as well as Pearl. Benjy stops crying when "Dilsey opens the fire-door and draw a chair up in front of it, " and touching Caddy's "Cold bright face, " "she smelled like trees" for him. Third, we can find one more similarity between Pearl and Benjy. It is an innocence. Each innocence is used as a contrast with sin being caused by sexual corruption. They take the rebellious manners for sinners or people who are about to commit sin with their puritan innocence. Benjy is closely associated with flowers like innocent Pearl is connected with rose as well as anemone and columbine. Fourth, I will examine the association with the evil and the weeds through the manners of Chillingworth and Jason. Chillingworth, an avatar of evil, finds "a dark, flabby leaf" that is "growing on a grave, " and tries to use it for the mental disease of Dimmesdale, and egoistic Jason gets "beggar lice and twigs and stuff all over" him, and has his hand on a bunch of poison oak, while he follows Miss Quentin who has run away with the men wearing a red tie. I have tried to examine the parallelism of symbols between The Scarlet Letter and The Sound and the Fury. This is not to be a study of Hawthorne's influence on Faulkner, but of symbols that are reflected in the works of these nineteenth-century New Englander and twentieth-century Southerner. I am sure that the parallelism of these symbols suggests that careful thought of each writing might throw light on that of the other.