生駒 忍 工藤 麗弥 二井内 絢香
vol.38, pp.26-33, 2009

Public readings of literary works are quite popular; some of these readings are accompanied by music. However, few research works on the effect of music on such readings have been conducted, except for Yabunaka's (2001, 2002) empirical but experimentally limited studies. In this study, we examined the effect of background music on the comprehension of poems that were recited. Forty−eight undergra-duates listened to recitals of six poems (two with cheerful music, two with somber music, and two without any music). The participants rated the affective value and understandability of each poem on a seven−point scale. After all the sessions, they responded to the short version of Information−Processing Style Inventory (IPSI). The results indicated that the affective value is influenced by background music; poems with cheerful music seemed to convey happiness, whereas those with somber music seemed to express sadness. The effects had a weak negative correlation with rationality measured by IPSI. However, the understandability of the poems was unaffected by the music. The implications for further research and reading practice were discussed.