Takafumi Okukubo Yoshiaki Bando Masaki Onishi
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.30, pp.42-51, 2022 (Released:2022-01-15)

This paper presents a statistical method combined with a neural network for efficient traffic prediction from a limited amount of training data. The traffic prediction during a large-scale event is essential to maintain the safety of event participants. The conventional methods for predicting traffic time series, however, cannot be utilized because the rare nature of the large-scale events prevents us from preparing a sufficient amount of training data. To efficiently train traffic prediction from a limited amount of training data, we propose a pattern-aware regression method that reduces the number of model parameters by interpreting traffic data as a weighted sum of latent behavior patterns. The proposed method trains a neural regression model to predict the weights of these patterns from the event information instead of directly predicting the traffic time series. The behavior patterns are jointly estimated during the training in a Bayesian manner to avoid overfitting. We performed experiments with foot traffic data recorded at a real soccer stadium and show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional direct regression methods. We also demonstrate an application of our method for predicting travel time from the stadium to the nearest highway interchange, which outperforms a popular commercial service.
Journal of information processing (ISSN:03876101)
vol.10, no.1, pp.1-6, 1987-03-31

A new internal representation is proposed for real numbers. It has been named URR for Universal Representation of Real numbers. This approach is based on a bisection method which is applied to real number intervals. With this method, the point of division increases or decreases in a double exponential manner in the globalrange. The main characteristics of the method are as follows. First, overflow/underflow does not, in practice, occur. Second, since the data format does not depend on the length but on the value of the data, a transformation operation is virtually not needed between systems of long and short data. Finally, only one bit of resolution is lost compared with the fixed point form. In addition, arithmetic operations are slightly complicated compared with conventional representation, but they present no special difficulties. This new method is thus the most suitable internal form as an interface not only between computers but also between computers and digital systems which deal with real numbers or physical (scalar) values.
Hiroshi Ishii Qiang Ma Masatoshi Yoshikawa
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.1, pp.207-215, 2012 (Released:2012-01-15)
1 7

We propose a novel method for the incremental construction of causal networks to clarify the relationships among news events. We propose the Topic-Event Causal (TEC) model as a causal network model and an incremental constructing method based on it. In the TEC model, a causal relation is expressed using a directed graph and a vertex representing an event. A vertex contains structured keywords consisting of topic keywords and an SVO tuple. An SVO tuple, which consists of a tuple of subject, verb and object keywords represent the details of the event. To obtain a chain of causal relations, vertices representing a similar event need to be detected. We reduce the time taken to detect them by restricting the calculation to topics using topic keywords. We detect them on a concept level. We propose an identification method that identifies the sense of the keywords and introduce three semantic distance methods to compare keywords. Our method detects vertices representing similar events more precisely than conventional methods. We carried out experiments to validate the proposed methods.
Journal of information processing (ISSN:03876101)
vol.13, no.2, pp.144-149, 1990-08-25

The CPU of the AI processor (AIP) called IP704 was developed for Prolog and Lisp, based on RISC architecture with hardware supports. It has been proved that IP704 architecture is effective for both AI languages and general-purpose languages. An AI processor chip (IP 1704) is being developed as a direct successor of the IP704. The architecture has been modified and refined to fit onto a single chip and to improve the execution speed. Features newly developed for the IP1704 include Overlapping of the decode and register-read stages using a combination of the hardware decoder and micro-programs, and a delayed cache hit check with delayed writing. Is shown that a RISC-based processor with suitable hardware support is applicable to VLSI and also gives high performance AI languages.
Nor Athiyah Abdullah Dai Nishioka Yuko Tanaka Yuko Murayama
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.1, pp.31-40, 2015 (Released:2015-01-15)
14 28

The online social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube has been used extensively during disaster and emergency situation. Despite the advantages offered by these services on supplying information in vague situation by citizen, we raised the issue of spreading misinformation on Twitter by using retweets. Accordingly, in this study, we conduct a user survey (n=133) to investigate what is the user's action towards spread message in Twitter, and why user decide to perform retweet on the spread message. As the result of the factor analyses, we extracted 3 factors on user's action towards spread message which are: 1) Desire to spread the retweet messages as it is considered important, 2) Mark the retweet messages as favorite using Twitter “Favorite” function, and 3) Search for further information about the content of the retweet messages. Then, we further analyze why user decides to perform retweet. The results reveal that user has desire to spread the message which they think is important and the reason why they retweet it is because of the need to retweet, interesting tweet content and the tweet user. The results presented in this paper provide an understanding on user behavior of information diffusion, with the aim to reduce the spread of misinformation using Twitter during emergency situation.
Sun Bo Luo Xiapu Akiyama Mitsuaki Watanabe Takuya Mori Tatsuya
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing
vol.26, pp.212-223, 2018

<p>Mobile app stores, such as Google Play, play a vital role in the ecosystem of mobile device software distribution platforms. When users find an app of interest, they can acquire useful data from the app store to inform their decision regarding whether to install the app. This data includes ratings, reviews, number of installs, and the category of the app. The ratings and reviews are the <i>user-generated content</i> (UGC) that affect the reputation of an app. Therefore, <i>miscreants</i> can leverage such channels to conduct <i>promotional attacks</i>; for example, a miscreant may promote a malicious app by endowing it with a good reputation via fake ratings and reviews to encourage would-be victims to install the app. In this study, we have developed a system called <i>PADetective</i> that detects miscreants who are likely to be conducting promotional attacks. Using a 1723-entry labeled dataset, we demonstrate that the true positive rate of detection model is 90%, with a false positive rate of 5.8%. We then applied our system to an unlabeled dataset of 57M reviews written by 20M users for 1M apps to characterize the prevalence of threats in the wild. The PADetective system detected 289K reviewers as potential PA attackers. The detected potential PA attackers posted reviews to 136K apps, which included 21K malicious apps. We also report that our system can be used to identify potentially malicious apps that have not been detected by anti-virus checkers.</p>
Tomoya Michinaka Hideyuki Kawabata Tetsuo Hironaka
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.29, pp.676-684, 2021 (Released:2021-10-15)

The GNU MPFR library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic is widely used, and its Foreign Function Interface bindings to various languages have been developed. For the Rust programming language, existing bindings to the MPFR library include gmp-mpfr-sys (a low-level binding) and Rug (a binding that utilizes gmp-mpfr-sys to provide a more user-friendly interface). However, neither has sufficient descriptiveness and performance as bindings for general users of Rust, which is a programming language featuring high memory safety and high speed. We have developed a Rust binding, Rumpfr, to the MPFR library, that offers an easy way to write programs that perform high-speed multiple-precision floating-point computation. Rumpfr provides an interface that follows that of the MPFR library but hides the complexity of managing the mantissa area of floating-point numbers from the user. Rumpfr uses Rust's variable-length arrays to allocate mantissa areas, making it easy to handle without compromising Rust's high memory safety. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Rumpfr and present the results of numerical experiments demonstrating that Rumpfr can be used to write programs with low overhead.
Hiroki Watanabe Kazuki Hayashi Tomonori Sato Takao Kondo Fumio Teraoka
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.29, pp.640-648, 2021 (Released:2021-10-15)

In the age of edge/fog computing, it is important to consider not only computing resources but also network resources when hosting services. Since service is composed of multiple small functions in the microservice architecture, we treat a service as a set of BFs (basic functions) that fulfill a single task. It is required to place BFs at edge/fog nodes considering the computing resources and network requirements within a practical time. This paper proposes a MANO (Management and Network Orchestration) for deploying services composed of multiple BFs with requirements to computing and network resources of distributed nodes. The proposed MANO considers the computing resources of edge/fog/cloud as well as the network delay and the bandwidth between them. This paper proposes an optimal method and a heuristic method for calculating the placement of BFs. The evaluation results show that the placement calculation time for a service composed of four BFs is about 10 seconds with the optimal method and about 20 seconds with the heuristic method. The calculation time is within the practical range.
Noriko Akazawa Yuki Takei Mitsugu Suzuki Yasuichi Nakayama Hiroyasu Kakuda
Information Processing Society of Japan (情報処理学会)
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.4, pp.574-582, 2014-10-15

The important roles of after school care programs are protecting the lives of students whose parents are working or unable to be at home after they finish school or on school holidays and helping them create self independence. We propose a learning support system for helping after school care students. The system is used for practicing the “Kuku” multiplication table and it has been implemented using the Kinect motion capture system to recognize “air characters” written by the body actions of learners. We conducted a trial to evaluate the proposed system by asking many students in after school care programs to participate and confirmed that this system was helpful for groups of students to learn. We explain here how we implemented the system, and report the results from the trial. We also suggest the future directions of the system.
Yasuichi Nakayama Yasushi Kuno Hiroyasu Kakuda
Information Processing Society of Japan (情報処理学会)
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.733-743, 2020-11

There is a great need to evaluate and/or test programming performance. For this purpose, two schemes have been used. Constructed response (CR) tests let the examinee write programs on a blank sheet (or with a computer keyboard). This scheme can evaluate the programming performance. However, it is difficult to apply in a large volume because skilled human graders are required (automatic evaluation is attempted but not widely used yet). Multiple choice (MC) tests let the examinee choose the correct answer from a list (often corresponding to the “hidden” portion of a complete program). This scheme can be used in a large volume with computer-based testing or mark-sense cards. However, many teachers and researchers are suspicious in that a good score does not necessarily mean the ability to write programs from scratch. We propose a third method, split-paper (SP) testing. Our scheme splits a correct program into each of its lines, shuffles the lines, adds “wrong answer” lines, and prepends them with choice symbols. The examinee answers by using a list of choice symbols corresponding to the correct program, which can be easily graded automatically by using computers. In particular, we propose the use of edit distance (Levenshtein distance) in the scoring scheme, which seems to have affinity with the SP scheme. The research question is whether SP tests scored by using an edit-distance-based scoring scheme measure programming performance as do CR tests. Therefore, we conducted an experiment by using college programming classes with 60 students to compare SP tests against CR tests. As a result, SP and CR test scores are correlated for multiple settings, and the results were statistically significant. Therefore, we might conclude that SP tests with automatic scoring using edit distance are useful tools for evaluating the programming performance.
Sebastian Eresheim Robert Luh Sebastian Schrittwieser
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.25, pp.866-874, 2017 (Released:2017-09-15)
1 9

Rootkits constitute a significant threat to modern computing and information systems. Since their first appearance in the early 1990's they have steadily evolved, adapting to ever-improving security measures. The main feature rootkits have in common is the ability to hide their malicious presence and activities from the operating system and its legitimate users. In this paper we systematically analyze process hiding techniques routinely used by rootkit malware. We summarize the characteristics of different approaches and discuss their advantages and limitations. Furthermore, we assess detection and prevention techniques introduced in operating systems in response to the threat of hidden malware. The results of our assessments show that defenders still struggle to keep up with rootkit authors. At the same time we see a shift towards powerful VM-based techniques that will continue to evolve over the coming years.
Ikuo Nakagawa Masahiro Hiji Hiroshi Esaki
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.4, pp.458-464, 2015 (Released:2015-07-15)
1 8

We propose “Dripcast,” a new server-less Java programming framework for billions of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. The framework makes it easy to develop device applications working with a cloud, that is, scalable computing resources on the Internet. The framework consists of two key technologies; (1) transparent remote procedure call (2) mechanism to read, write and process Java objects with scale-out style distributed datastore. A great benefit of the framework is that there is no need to write a server-side program nor a database code. A very simple client-side program is enough to work with the framework, to read, write or process Java objects on a cloud. The mechanism is infinitely scalable since it works with scale-out technologies. In this paper, we describe the concept and the architecture of the Dripcast framework. We also implement the framework and evaluate from two points of views, 1) from the view point of scalability about cloud resources, 2) from the view point of method call encapsulation overhead in client IoT devices.
Masato Yamashita Minoru Nakazawa Yukinobu Nishikawa Noriyuki Abe
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.239-246, 2020 (Released:2020-03-15)

Recently, the technology of BMI that communicates with humans and operates a robot using human brain information has been actively studied. The authentification function using BMI has been studied by previous research. Although many studies focus on feature extraction and learning model creation, there are few studies that discuss the effectiveness of preprocessing. In this study, we implemented an EEG biometric function using image stimulation method. In this paper, we proposed biometric authentication system system using EEG at time of image stimulus. At the same time, we evaluated the change in authentication accuracy in order to verify the preprocessing (digital filter, artifact countermeasure, epoch) method in the authentication system. As a result, authentication accuracy is improved by performing the proposed preprocessing. In addition, it was shown that convenience and security were improved when using the system.
Elena Arseneva Stefan Langerman Boris Zolotov
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.791-799, 2020 (Released:2020-12-15)

We give a complete description of all convex polyhedra whose surface can be constructed from several congruent regular pentagons by folding and gluing them edge to edge. Our method of determining the graph structure of the polyhedra from a gluing is of independent interest and can be used in other similar settings.
Mizuki Watanabe Ryotaro Kobayashi Masahiko Kato
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.5, pp.655-663, 2015 (Released:2015-09-15)
1 1

Currently, Web services are widely utilized to disclose company information, and offer online services and e-commerce. As these services have become an essential part of our everyday lives, the public is greatly inconvenienced when they are disrupted. Denial of service (DoS) attacks exert adverse influences on Web services. We focus on HTTP-GET Flood attacks, which are manually operable DoS attacks. It is possible to simply block manually operable DoS attacks such as F5 attacks on the server side; however, such measures could be noticed by the attackers. Therefore, to prevent the attacker changing their method of attack, it is possible to overcome the attack by redirecting the attack to another system, for which a previous study has proposed a feasible technique located in the service provider. The previous study assumes a correlation between the CPU resource and the request error rate. However, the Web Server actually has multiple resources. Therefore, it is important to be able to control the server resources rather than the CPU and the memory. The operational implementation of the proposed method and the evaluation experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Kenichiro Nakai Yasuhiko Takenaga
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.723-726, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)
3 2

Pandemic is a multi-player board game which simulates the outbreak of epidemics and the human effort to prevent them. It is a characteristic of this game that all the players cooperate for a goal and they are not competitive. We show that the problem to decide if the player can win the generalized Pandemic from the given situation of the game is NP-complete.
Takehiro Wakabayashi Shuji Morisaki Norimitsu Kasai Noritoshi Atsumi Shuichiro Yamamoto
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.136-149, 2020 (Released:2020-02-15)

This article proposes a tool supported approach to detect omitted requirements that are not implemented in a corresponding architectural design document using difference sets of words or word senses between a software requirements specification document and a software architectural design document. First, the proposed approach extracts sets of single-words, multi-words, and word senses that appear in a requirements specification document but do not appear in the corresponding design document using a natural language processing tool. Then, an architectural design document inspector validates whether each of the specified document with the single-words, multi-words, or word senses are implemented in the corresponding architectural design document using the sets as guides. Evaluation 1 investigated whether omitted requirements can be detected in design documents using the proposed approach. Evaluation 2 investigated the numbers of words that inspectors need to check for the proposed approach. The result of Evaluation 1 shows that omitted requirements are detected in all three pairs for real requirements specification documents and design documents. The result of Evaluation 2 shows that the numbers of words in the difference sets to those in the requirements specification documents vary from 18 to 83 % for the nine pairs of requirements specification documents and design documents.
Kenichiro Nakai Yasuhiko Takenaga
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of information processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.723-726, 2012-07-15

Pandemic is a multi-player board game which simulates the outbreak of epidemics and the human effort to prevent them. It is a characteristic of this game that all the players cooperate for a goal and they are not competitive. We show that the problem to decide if the player can win the generalized Pandemic from the given situation of the game is NP-complete.Pandemic is a multi-player board game which simulates the outbreak of epidemics and the human effort to prevent them. It is a characteristic of this game that all the players cooperate for a goal and they are not competitive. We show that the problem to decide if the player can win the generalized Pandemic from the given situation of the game is NP-complete.
Tetsuro Matsumura Kimio Kuramitsu
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.24, no.2, pp.256-264, 2016 (Released:2016-03-15)

Parsing Expression Grammars are a popular foundation for describing syntax. Unfortunately, several syntax of programming languages are still hard to recognize with pure PEGs. Notorious cases appears: typedef-defined names in C/C++, indentation-based code layout in Python, and HERE document in many scripting languages. To recognize such PEG-hard syntax, we have addressed a declarative extension to PEGs. The “declarative” extension means no programmed semantic actions, which are traditionally used to realize the extended parsing behavior. Nez is our extended PEG language, including symbol tables and conditional parsing. This paper demonstrates that the use of Nez Extensions can realize many practical programming languages, such as C, C#, Ruby, and Python, which involve PEG-hard syntax.