中野 耕太 nakano
北東アジア研究 = Shimane journal of North East Asian research : North East Asian region (ISSN:13463810)
vol.32, pp.19-37, 2021-03-31

The purpose of this study is to consider whether "the regime of Yi Ui-min" really existed or not in the late 12th century Korea (Goryeo). Yi Ui-min was a military general who was born as a slave in Gyeongju. It is commonly accepted that he ruled the Goryeo government as the 4th leader of the "Goryeo military regime" from 1184 to 1196, when Choe Chung-heon assassinated him. It is difficult, however, to prove the existence of "the regime of Yi Ui-min" due to a lack of historical materials.This study examined the following three points to reconsider the theory of "the regime of Yi Uimin." Firstly, it examined how previous studies evaluated the regime. Through this examination, we found that previous studies had already pointed out the weakness of "the regime of Yi Uimin." Secondly, it critically discussed the theoretical grounds that support the regime’s existence. As a result, it was found that there are no historical records to support the claim directly. Thirdly, it analyzed the historical records that are inconsistent with the theory. The results revealed that Du Gyeong-seung was as powerful as Yi Ui-min, and that Yi Ui-min couldn’t overwhelm him till the end.The conclusion of this study is as follows; From 1184 to 1190 Yi Ui-min was not a prominent leader in the Goryeo government. From 1190 to 1196 there were two leaders, Yi Ui-min and Du Gyeong-seung in the Goryeo government. The common theory of "the regime of Yi Ui-min" says that Yi Ui-min ruled the Goryeo government then as a dictator, although he was less powerful than other military leaders. But the theory of "the dyarchy of Yi Ui-min and Du Gyeong-seung" is closer to the actual situation than that of "the regime of Yi Ui-min." The next paper will explore the relationship between these two leaders.
江口 伸吾 Shingo EGUCHI
北東アジア研究 = Shimane journal of North East Asian research : North East Asian region (ISSN:13463810)
no.29, pp.53-69, 2018-03-31

This article clarifies the evolution and features of Chinese 'deliberative democracy', which has drawn attention with its importance in 'the opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Work of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference', publicly disclosed on February 8th, 2006, and contributed to the construction of the institution by publishing another document proposing to promote socialist consultative democracy on February 10th, 2015. From a viewpoint of 'the modernization of the state governance system and capacity', which was raised in the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee on November 12th, 2013, this article seeks to explore not only the purpose of 'deliberative democracy', which is inherent to democracy, but also the political and social context functioning as a tool of state governance. In so doing, this paper examines Zhejiang province as a wide variety of practices about 'deliberative democracy' in Chinese grassroots society including 'democratic deliberation' in Wenling city and 'village sage council' in Deqing county. This paper also considers the process of reconstructing consultative authoritarianism, which is currently attempting to balance democracy with governance in the Chinese government.
黄 明哲 Myong Chol HWAN
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
no.28, pp.37-46, 2017-03

We demonstrate the state of the art review in the current research activities conducted by the Institute of History, the Academy of Social Science, and other academic associations of Korean history in the DPRK. Their current academic achievements are threefold: First, some research has been accomplished to grasp comprehensively history of half of ten thousand years of Koreans in a systematic manner. They show a huge progress in elucidating the origination of Korean history. The Historical Series of Fields of Korean History and Periodization in History of Korea were published, which gave readers wider knowledge on national history as well as helped Korean people to implant national pride and self-confidence. Secondly, new results were made in research on the Ancient and the Medieval Ages such as Gojoseon, Goguryeo, and Goryeo. Deepened especially were research on Chunson, the thought of the descendants of Heaven, research on the heliolatry in Korea as well as studies on the fields of history in the Goguryeo era. One of the most important findings was a new discovery that the metal type pieces which were excavated in the Kaesong Manwoldae site were created during the Goguryeo era. Thirdly, research projects were vigorously conducted to unravel more widely the history of the Japanese invasion and colonization of the Korean Peninsula. These research projects produced a series of results in an academic program to restore the traditional Korean Standard Time, a proof of the atom bomb development based on evidence and studies on the issue of Japanese ashes which exist in Korea. Historical Associations in the DPRK will brighten Korean nation's history and deepen research for the purpose of academically dealing with fabrication of Korean history from now on.