石沢 信人 杉田 収 斎藤 秀晃 中野 正春
新潟県立看護短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13428454)
no.3, pp.3-8, 1997-12

我々は,赤ワイン・白ワイン・その他のアルコール性飲料(ビール,日本酒)・非アルコール性飲料(日本茶,コーヒー,紅茶,昆布茶)および数種類の純化合物の抗酸化能を,CHP/Hb・MB法を用いて測定した.本法はCHP溶液への試料添加による還元反応後の残存CHP濃度を,分光光度計で測定するものである.我々の得た結論は以下の3点である:1.CHP/Iib・MB法は各種飲料物の抗酸化能を測定できる.2.ワインは高い抗酸化能を有するアルコール性飲料である.3.赤ワインは白ワインよりも高い抗酸化能を示すが,白ワインにも高い抗酸化能が認められるので赤ワインにこだわる必要はない.We measured antioxidant activities of red and white wines, other various alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages (beer, sake, Japanese tea, coffee, tea, and konbucha) and some pure chemical compound solution by CHP/Hb・MB method. This is the method that measure the remaining CHP concentration after reducing reaction caused by adding specimen to CHP solution by a spectrum photometer. Wehave conclusion as follows: 1. CHP/Hb・MB method can measure antioxidant activities in various beverages. 2. Wine is the alcoholic beverage which had high antioxidant activity. 3. Red wine contained high antioxidant activity than white wine, but white wine contained antioxidant activities high fully, too. So we need not to be concerned with red wine.
小林 美代子 和田 佳子 高塚 麻由 安田 かづ子
新潟県立看護短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13428454)
vol.6, pp.91-95, 2000

目的:基礎体温測定をとおして自己の性機能状態の理解が促進されるかを把握する。方法:看護短大生98名を対象に、 3ケ月間基礎体温測定を体験してもらい、その後、自己の性機能状態の理解に関して質問紙による調査を行った。結果:1.測定後、 50%以上のものが自己の「月経周期」 「排卵日の推定」 「排卵の有無」について認識できていた。2.測定前において排卵日が自覚できたものは10%であったが、測定後は50%以上のものが排卵日を推定し、排卵の有無について認識できた。3.測定前の疑問や不安が変化したかでは、変化したものが65%で、その内訳として解決したものが56%、新たな疑問がでてきたものが30%、不安がはっきりしたものが14%であった。Purpose Our concern is to examine whether their measurements of a basal body temperature help the students of nursing college understanding their the reproductive function. Method Subjects of this research were 98 students of nursing college, and after having measured a basal body temperature for three months, we investigated "Understanding of the state of the condition of reproductive function" by the questionnaire to them. Result 1. After measuring a basic temperature, over fifty percent of these students have recognized "Cycle of menstruation", "Presumption on the day of ovulation", and "Presence of ovulation". 2. Ten percent of them were conscious of the day of the ovulation before their measurements. However, after a basal body temperature had been measured, over fifty percent of them could presume the day of the ovulation and recognize the presence of the ovulation. 3. When we asked them whether the doubt and anxiety, which they had felt before the measurements of a basal body temperature, has changed after measurements, they responded that sixty-five percents of them had been changed. Fifty-six percent of them, who have changed their uneasiness and the doubt, answered that their uneasiness and the doubt had been solved, thirty percent answered that the doubt had come out newly and fourteen answered that they could make out their uneasiness.