藤原 顕
福山市立大学教育学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Fukuyama City University (ISSN:21876347)
vol.1, pp.79-94, 2013

The Purpose of this article is to clarify the relevant issues of life history research on teachers, reviewing the literature on the methodology of the research. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) We can characterize the concept of life history from the perspective of individuality, subjectivity, contextuality, and cooperativity. (2) To deconstruct power relations to their participants, researchers need to reflect on their reflexive practice and express their background, beliefs, or interests in research process. (3) We point out that a case (i. e. a life history text), as a result of life history research on teachers, is the possible text which is in relation to other possible ones, and that the issue of generality of a case is understood in terms of "naturalistic generalization" and theoretical categories situated in it, and that in a case, teachers' experience can be described focusing on a conflict or a contention between the individual and the socio-cultural, or the institutional.
正保 正惠 竹田 美知 山下 美紀 大石 美佳
福山市立大学教育学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Fukuyama City University (ISSN:21876347)
vol.3, pp.39-45, 2015

In this study, we analyzed the factors of the uneasiness of students about the scholarship return. As a method, we performed the questionary survey to the students of A public university and the multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. (1) It promotes uneasiness of the return most that the scholarship is spent for cost of living. (2) When a family understood the uneasiness of the student and did emotional support, uneasiness was reduced. (3) For uneasiness of the future return, support such as the student support of the university side does not have an influence at all. (4) The consultation of the trouble made "friend of the same sex" or "family" mainly. Including the students with resources, the public support from the university will be effective as right coping.