米山 勇
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.566, pp.147-152, 2003-04-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
2 2

This paper reveals the reason and the meaning of change in design for Tokyo City Research Hall, Tokyo Public Hall. Four main changes were made at the time of construction of the building : 1) change in location of the building site ; 2) change in the shape of the hall ; 3) change of structure and 4) modification of the overall design of the building. The most important factor influencing the modification of the overall design was Satoh's desire for the new building to provide a visual contrast to the Japan Kangyo Bank. He often discussed the need for "urban beauty." Satoh seized the opportunity in the aftermath of the Great Kanto Earthquake disaster to achieve "urban beauty" with the construction of this building.


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編集者: Benichan
2019-03-13 16:00:16 の編集で削除されたか、リンク先が変更された可能性があります。

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